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Duel sicarans cad/bsf to make it work.


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So I have tried few different list and few of formations bit so far I am falling short to cheese list out there.

The "net list eldar" wave sperpent spam and broken Hornets just about everything else the Internet tells eldar players to take and win, even non elf players jumped on trend. Now with new crons dropping and re roll +1 and some nasty tricks, and with the nids spamming 3 flyrants :cuss getting stupid in my area.


So I thinking a pair of sicarans will help evenlput the odds, No jink 6 shots with rending and high S this thinks are baal's on steroids and just few more points. Plus 40k approved so there no arguing it's too op.


So he comes the down side relic of armoy one per detachment, so having to take 2 detacment's. Which leaves us BSF, and CAD. The cad set I am looking as 2 10man tac sq for object grabbing and holding. Don't want to pod them in,maybe rhinos just add more armour but any smart player will target the sicarans. Sense there no I boost from the cad, i looking at command sq with 2 grav guns, SS and TH/SS. And that's it.

The BSF will have the scout x 5 CCW two sq to fill the taxs, than some choppy DC to do the hitting. The 5 man aSM in pod with melta was short lived every player has adapted for it, the good ones anyway, so going back to attack bikes w/ MM.


The main weakness comes from the HQ. You have to take a chappy to unlock the relics of armory. So having take two of them one per detachment, keeping them cheap just JP on both and one taking the VV.

Just not sure on the set up tho, anyone got suggestions on how to make work effectively?

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Erm, i think you only need a chaplain to take an additional relic of the armoury. So 1 detatchment,1 chaplain and 2 sicarans.

That is correct: if more than one relic in the army is present, there is a tax of a Reclusiarch chaplain to use it.  Better than the 2 CAD buy in my opinion. 

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First off, there is nothing stopping you from taking two (or more) BSF detachments should you wish.


Second, there is no way to circumvent the Relic of the Armoury rule. Whichever detachment has your Warlord in is considered your primary detachment. The primary detachment can have one model with the Relic of the Armoury rule "free of charge", with any further unit choices with that rule requiring a Chaplain.


Any other detachment is determined a secondary detachment - be it a BSF/CAD/FTSF/Allied/etc - and this will require a Chaplain to field one or more.

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I'm eyeing up the Imperial Armoury book to invest in a pair of Sicarians and a Fireraptor.


If I understand the restrictions correctly, I can only choose to take one of these with the Baal Strike Force.

If I take a Chaplain as a secondary HQ, I would then be alowed to take all three. Is that accurate?

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Perhpas I read the rule wrong, I though you it was one relic of armory per detachment that's why I spilt it in to 2 detachments. If all I need to do is buy a chappy to unlock as many relics of armory as I want to feild that would great.


Two CAD, are looking to be better choice for obj grabbing, but BSF just add more flavor to army, running cad is like running regularl marines painted red.


IA book is totally worth it,

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Perhpas I read the rule wrong, I though you it was one relic of armory per detachment that's why I spilt it in to 2 detachments. If all I need to do is buy a chappy to unlock as many relics of armory as I want to feild that would great.



I'm really sorry, but this reads as though I've confused you.


Primary Detachment (i.e. the one that contains your Warlord)


~ 1 model with Relic of the Armoury allowed




~ 2+ models with Relic of the Armoury allowed provided you field a Chaplain


Secondary Detachment (i.e anything that your Warlord is not part of)


~ 1+ model(s) with Relic of the Armoury allowed provided you field a Chaplain


*** *** *** ***


In short, if you are going to have two detachments you need a Chaplain somewhere to field the second Sicaran. If you plan on fielding a third, you may need a second Chaplain depending which Detachment has them. A Fourth will certainly require two, and so on.

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Thanks I got it now lol.


And FW said it has to be chaplain.





Thanks for your email. With regards to the relic vehicles, Blood Angels can just use a standard chaplain to gain access to them.








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