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Fluffy ways to take Khorne and Tzeentch marks?


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I've been in and out of the hobby over the years, and considering getting back in as my roommate assembles his new Blood Angels and laments the lack of evil armies at the local gaming store. In the past I've had a couple mono-God Chaos armies, but I'd like to make an army that has a little bit from each of the gods as well as Undivided, for modeling and gaming reasons. I also want to keep unit sizes at favored numbers where possible, the better to earn Chaos favor for my dice rolls. Doing some searches I've got some ideas for Nurgle and Slaanesh units that look reasonably effective for an army that puts fluff before function. Useful Khorne and Tzeentch units are less obvious to me.

Accepting that my army is super flexible right now (I own no models), if you were going to run a single Khorne element at 8 models, and a single Tzeentch element at 9 models, what would you use? I don't care what slot it fills, if it needs a character in it or to run it, or if it has to be split into multiple units to achieve the favored number (1 Khornate character+7 Khorne models, for instance, or two similar units of 4 to total 8).

I know, it's kind of a crazy question. Because I am crazy and not expecting the most tactically feasible army. But I'd like to know my best options :)

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Don't be a sucker man...you know why there aren't any "evil" (chaos) armies?  Because its not as good, and has more restrictions than Loyalists, who unless they are taking Charcaradons Chapter Tactics with Vanilla Space Marines, can Battle Brother Ally with every other Loyalist Codex.


You are going to be fighting against the mechanics of your army-WHILE trying to gain position on your enemy and bring them down.

Sacred numbers don't do a damn thing and are outdated concepts-you would be allowing yourself to follow unnecessary rules and restrictions-and the CSM codex has plenty of those at it's base.


Mark of Tzeentch is only going to be a 6+ invulnerable save on guys without Invulnerable saves, and the Tzeentch banner sucks (Soul blaze *farts*).


Worse still, you can't have your Tzeentch Marked Independent Characters in Khorne Marked squads, or Khorne Marked Independent Characters in Tzeentch squads, this takes away a lot of potential combos, while Loyalists have free reign to do nasty stuff.  They can have multiple Chapter Masters if they want, which is ridiculously 'unfluffy' (Chapter Masters should be Lords of War-just saying).

You are going to be out numbered.  You are going to be Out Gunned.  You are going to be going up against armies with better rules and options by and far.


If you can handle that-or just want to make special snow flake models out of CSM kits-go for it man.


That said:


Tzeentch 9 Possessed with MoT (put unmarked Lord or sorcerer here in a Landraider)


Khorne 8 Raptors, 2 flamers OR 2 Meltaguns, champ with a Lightning claw (if flamers) or Power fist (if meltaguns).

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If you have spare fast attack slots (not at all guaranteed, those are pretty precious to us), then putting some 'zerkers in a dreadclaw is pretty decent.  8 zerkers, or 7 plus Khârn the betrayer, will provide a pretty solid impact more or less guaranteed to land on turn two (it comes down T1 due to drop pod assault, but you don't disembark.  you don't have inertial guidance, so you have to land in the open to avoid mishap, but then can flat out in the shooting phase 18" into position.  T2 you move, deploy, assault, along with any other fastelements of your army - spawn, bikes, maulers, w/e).  Imo, that's probably the best khornate marine unit to run, although that may change based on next weeks khorne codex.


Tzeentch is iffier.  The mark is pretty bad on pretty much everything.  is ok on termies and warp talons, but bother are pretty overpriced, and you definitely don't want to run them in nines.  A single unit of 9 rubrics in a rhino is probably your best bet.  Move into position for some AP3 rapid fire, while attempting to avoid enemy small arms fire and melee units yourself.  Maybe soften up a unit before the 'zerks charge in.  Overpriced, but semi functional.  Alternative is to take three units of three tzeentch terminators with combi-meltas, axes, & a single fist in each.  Deep strike as an expendible suicide squad.  OK as a unit or two, but taking enough to get you up to the sacred number probably isn't so hot an idea.

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I use the breacher shield guys from forge world with pimped out bolters as rubic marines. The shield representing the relentless and inv save and the bulkier bolters their ap3 shooting. I prefer to use things like that to represent marks than having guys with silly hats everywhere.
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