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How to make my Nurgle army effective?


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Hi guys, i keep hearing how ineffective and weak our poor old basic chaos marine codex ive been wondering over suggestions tactics and builds on how to use my army. my chaos marine army is mainly nurgle though i do have some Khorne allies and Tzeencth too as im fond of those gods but hear those units are weak too. i also hear of how some some of our units are pointless, hellbrutes i understand mainly thanks to the crazed rule, but forgefiends? i thought one with 3 cannons would be quite decent, i dont like mutilators either to be honest. so what advice and tactics have you fellow battle-brothers have been using to make our codex work? are the two add-on books any good for us? its a shame as im quite fond of my chaos army and models.


Though if rumours are true i like the sound of the Khorne Daemontide book, could be fun to use

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The main problem with Forgefiends is that they are too expensive for what they are. 50+ points cheaper and they would be ace.

As for playing nurgle, I would suggest msu plague marines with double specials backed up by obliterators. Maybe give them some metal boxes. Nurgle is probably our most competitive because toughness 5(6) is nice. You might want to use crimson slaughter as it will give some relics that play more to making your units tougher which fits the playstyle of your other units. Nurgle bikers and spawn are pretty good too because of their toughness 6.

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What Teetengee said. Really I feel when playing chaos you have to come up with a theme of what/how you want to play first then build the best you can off of that. If you are willing to mix gods and play with some daemons too perhaps you should try summoning? It looks with the new khorne codex that 2 bloodthirsters will be strong taking up about 300-600 points of your army. Also about $230-250 of your money.


It really depends on who you are playing too. If you want to go casual Teetengee's suggested list would be fine. If you are going to play against knights or WK/WS spam then love of god get your invisibility and summoning up or you will die.

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Yeah, the competitiveness of your meta will change drastically what works for chaos. In less than tournament heavy metas, plague marines are tough as nails and decent troop choices. In tournament metas however, they tend to die pretty hard as well.

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Yeah thanks for the advice, I do like plague marine units and chaos bikers, I have two units of nurgle bikers and a nurgle biker lord for the main part of my assault element. yeah crimson slaughter could be worth a look as I'm fond of my possessed :) I don't mind the idea of using other chaos gods in my force and interested in seeing what the new khorne book could offer, as i have a reasonable sized khornate force though no daemons at the moment. I don't really play in a competitive format, I play mainly for fun at my gaming club and local gaming store.

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