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Decals on clear plastic

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I had an idea for a decal sheet, but since the models I've worked on so far are opaque plastic, I have no frame of reference.


Basically: how do decals on clear paper react with clear plastic? Considering the usual application technique is clear coat -≥ Micro Set -≥ decal -> Micro Sol -> clear coat, how do the Set/Sol solutions interact with the plastic?

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I've tried it on glass before, but not plastic. No matter how much I tried, I could never get the backing to be invisible. I put maybe 4 or 5 coats of Microsol on it but it wasn't changing anything at all. I think you'd have the same problem with clear plastic, but honestly I can't imagine anything else being a problem. Do you coat the plastic in Future or some other gloss coat (if not, you should. It really helps)? I'm interested in this, because if it works it could make for some pretty cool effects for Stormtalon cockpits. That weird frame is just begging for some kind of HUD. 

I'm interested in this, because if it works it could make for some pretty cool effects for Stormtalon cockpits. That weird frame is just begging for some kind of HUD. 

The exact thought I was having. Some clear yellow/green HUD markings on the canopy of various units/models.

Well, just did a test on a couple waster model canopies.


The Good News: it could work! The Micro Sol/Set solutions don't appear to have had any effect on the clear plastic - each chemical covered not only the decal, but the plastic around it.


The Bad News: ...just not with the clear laser decal paper I have. It has an ever-so-slight translucence to it, so there's a frosted look to the decal itself.


For the experiment, I did two canopies: one with a couple layers of 'Ardcoat, the other straight from the model kit. The 'Ardcoat didn't seem to make a difference in the clearness.


So, again, it could work, but only if you had the clearest decal paper possible (and I'll leave it top someone else to research that aspect).

With any decal, frosting or silvering of the backing film happens when there's not a perfectly smooth surface to which it is applied.  If you used gloss varnish underneath and Micro Set/Sol, then I would predict a clear gloss overcoat should fix it.

Glossy surface wasn't an issue. One canopy was straight out of the box, as clear and smooth as could be. The second canopy, I gave a coat of 'Ardcoat, just to make sure there weren't any surface imperfections I couldn't see, as well as having a 'protective layer' should the Micro Set/Sol prove damaging to the plastic.


Hmm...but I think I have an idea of where the 'frosty decal' issue may originate. The decal sheet had a fixative clear coat applied after it was printed to 'seal' the sheet. Now, I now it's required of inkjet printed decals, but I use a laser printer. I may retest with an unsealed decl sheet - though they're 1/144 fighter jet canopies, there's still room for another test on them.   

I think you are on the right track - sounds like you did everything right, but the fixative might not be perfectly smooth.  If that turns out to be the issue, inkjet users might try a gloss clearcoat over the fixative, either on the sheet or after application.

Yeah, I just used my first laser-printed decals and, to test them, I didn't overspray them since I wanted to see if I could get away with it. They're my best decals yet! I'd do just what you said and try some without an overspray to see if it works. I really appreciate you doing this research. Now, I know you put in a lot of time already doing decals for people, but I think it would be super cool if someone (probably not you, since you're probably too busy) for someone with a digital caliper to make blank templates for shapes like Stormtalon and Stormraven canopies, and maybe even the little screens on various terminals. If I had some calipers, I'd give it a shot. 



I picked up some of these a little while back, they're cheap and I mostly use them at work. A few of us have them here, they're good enough for engineering work.


Sweet! I just added them to my Amazon wishlist. 


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