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Does this have the makings of a useful Khorne army?

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I've gone through all my boxes and found a load of stuff I've not used that I got way back when I was thinking of doing a project. No with the new Khorne codex on the horizon I was wondering whether if I stuck it all together it could be useful. I'm not really a chaos player last time I played them was in the 3rd edition I think.


Do you think this will make a useful army?


60 Cultists

3 lots of the marines from Dark Vengeance

10 normal chaos marines (Not constructed yet)

3 bikers (Not constructed yet)

1 rhino (Not constructed yet) maybe 2 (if stripped)

2 Dark Vengeance Hellbrute (3 if I can find the other)

A Maulerfiend or Forgefiend (Not constructed yet)

10 Blood Letters

1 Herald of KHorne

1 Bloodthirster

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Maulerfiend is either going to wreck some face or draw a ton of fire and get blown up on turn 1. 


Forgefiend is decent behind an ADL. Especially buffed with Prescience. 8 S8 shots can definitely glance something to death in a single round of shooting.

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It was 2 guns that get 4 shots each. It's been about 25 years since my last math class , but I think that still comes out to 8.


And it is Str 8 ap 4. Perhaps you are looking at the reaper autocannon entry.

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Are you planing to use the new book. Because if yes, you need a second BT, at least 2 unit of bloodletters.


If you plan to use the chaos book. You need 2 more maulerfiends, 9 more biker models. If you plan to go single CAD.

If you plan to do multi cad and/or use FW, then you also need 2 wyverns

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It was 2 guns that get 4 shots each. It's been about 25 years since my last math class , but I think that still comes out to 8.


And it is Str 8 ap 4. Perhaps you are looking at the reaper autocannon entry.

Yeah I must of been looking at the wrong entry >.< my bad.


I'm planning on using the new Khorne Daemonkin book. Should I equip the bikers with anything like meltaguns etc or keep them simple, I'm not sure if I'm gonna to expand on what I have atm until it's really necessary, I want to make at least a 1k list with what I have.

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