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Let the World Be Engulfed in Fire and Blood (Pic Heavy)

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So I got my hands on my new Khorne Bloodthirster recently and I must say, I am in love with this model. He is absolutely gorgeous and honestly he is, to date, one of my favorite models. He's not painted yet (though I think I'm going to prime him tomorrow) but I really just wanted to share him in all his wrath and terrible glory. I'v also decided to offer some size comparisons.



































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This is really nice.  Thanks for the pic heavy post.  Love the pose, screams "Is this the best you can do"  "Bring the enemy so that I may bathe in their life blodd"


Or something like that.  Anyway solid, looking forward to seeing some paint hit this beast.



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Well this was certainly a nice thing to wake up to. :)

Burning the midnight oil right there. Good man

Can never sleep. Must model.... Must always model...

Is that the actual thirsters head?

Yes it is, sir. One of three head options available.

This is really nice. Thanks for the pic heavy post. Love the pose, screams "Is this the best you can do" "Bring the enemy so that I may bathe in their life blodd"

Or something like that. Anyway solid, looking forward to seeing some paint hit this beast.


That is sort of what I was trying to go for, so I'll take that as a compliment. :P

Great repositioning, love what you have done with the blood angel!

Yep. Poor sods. :(

Again, awesome work!

Is his loincloth the Skulltaker's cape?

Also, I never realized Uraka was so big!

Thanks man. The loincloth is actually supposed to be Uraka's. However I thought it looked better on this one than it did on Uraka so I gave em' the old switcharoo. And yeah man. Uraka's a biggun'. I use him as my Bloodthirster (standard)

That a really cool conversion of the Bloodthister. The new kit really great & just a really cool model biggrin.png

Thanks, Psycho! Your Bloodthrister came out great too! Hope I can paint mine as well as you did :D

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