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question regarding the thousand sons upgrade kit

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You need a Space Marine kit of some description, in the shot below I've used a regular Space Marine tactical squad as the base, with a Chaos Marine backpack set.

The overall set makes 8 1K Sons, and gives a complete Sorcerer model as well, which is a relatively static pose but does open up some possible conversions.


Thousand Sons After 1

Tzeentchian Chaos Sorceror 1


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You need a Space Marine kit of some description, in the shot below I've used a regular Space Marine tactical squad as the base, with a Chaos Marine backpack set.


The overall set makes 8 1K Sons, and gives a complete Sorcerer model as well, which is a relatively static pose but does open up some possible conversions.






Those dudes look pretty good Lucio, nicely done.   I have one box I built and painted part way, but since it's basically a giant waste of points in the current meta to field these guys they have been collecting dust.  But I really dig your sorcerer.  He looks fantastic!



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