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Distraction unit = 10 DC with a single fist (and optional infernus pistol) deployed in pod.


Actually kill things tougher than guardsmen unit = At least a single fist and a few power swords on 10 bodies with jump packs.


New DC are seriously underwhelming without a fair amount of PWs. Make the most of that I5 S5 or don't bother IMHO

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Hard to tell.

On one hand it could be argued that the change from WS 5 to 4 gave boltguns a relative boost. On the other hand you'll need more attacks than before to do damage in close combat and we can strike at I 5 on the charge again. confused.gif

I'd say bolters for podded units and pistol + ccw for jumpers or DC riding an assault vehicle.

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5 is probably too few to run a fist; not enough ablative wounds to protect the wielder.

It depends on how many squads you are running. Several people seem to be experimenting with 3 or more 5-man squads, each with one fist. They are hard enough to kill a lot  of targets and can gang up on tougher units. They are more maneuverable and can make better use of cover and your opponent will really struggle to stop them all reaching his lines.

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Which power weapon is preferred?


Depends a bit on your meta. Power mauls are somewhat useless to me as AP4 just doesn't cut it, for the same reason I stay away from lances/spears. 


Axes are more of a budget power fist replacement, not bad but power fists tend to be worth the extra pts. When you need that fist the axe won't do.


Swords are now my favorite power weapon on DC thanks to the +1 initiative charge bonus. With 5 S 5 I 5 attacks on the charge per model they can actually do some damage to MEQ and the hateful eldar. 

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I agree with K+F.  A Maul doesn't work most of the time unless your meta is Xenos heavy.  Mauls are great against most Orks as an example, not so good against most Marines.


A spear/lance I would generally only take in a squad I intend to put Dante in for the extra charges from Hit and Run.

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Maul weapons - 7S on charge

- perfect kill motonobs, chaos spawn

- vs TWC, necrons Wraiths it's better then spear, sword or axe, because they have 3++

- better kills MC, and concussive them

- kills T3 models - ID 

- antitank weapons

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I tend to think of Mauls as anti-tank weapons rather than anti-infantry. 5 S7 attacks hitting on 3s will put a dent in a lot of vehicles.


I don't like glancing vehicles to death with CC troops since it's usually a surefire way to maximize return damage from the enemy passengers.


For TWC, wraiths and most of the other T5+ targets mentioned I find anything S 10 (with lib dread as my go to guy) to be far more effective than throwing a unit of DC at them. 

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I tend to think of Mauls as anti-tank weapons rather than anti-infantry. 5 S7 attacks hitting on 3s will put a dent in a lot of vehicles.

 to be far more effective than throwing a unit of DC at them. 


this is a joke ?



I don't find that glancing anything with low-ish AV to death is a problem even without a maul since the really tough vehicles such as serpents rely on cover saves which are already negated by all CC attacks. 


For tough, high AV targets I want high S, AP1-2 weapons. Not being able to score an 'exploded' result or even score a penetrating hit is pretty bad.


Units with a toughness stat is really thankful to take down with S 10 AP 2 instant death attacks, generally hitting at I 6 minimum. 

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