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[commission] Indrick Boreale


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Recently did this in between working on Aztec land speeders and other commercial jobs. Good practice for my sculpting, which although still fairly poor is getting better. Quite pleased with the hammer.


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Inevitable DoW memes aside, that's fantastic. Absolutely stunning freehand, really nice work on the face, great OSL, just really nice work all around. Did you sculpt his gauntlets/bracers? If you didn't, I certainly don't recognise them.

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This must have been Boreale before he got clubbed on the head REEEEEEALLY hard by an Ork warboss and developed his speech impediment as well as his lax tactical sense... That's why Space Marines should WEAR their helmets! :D


All jokes aside, you have an envious fan of this master work. :)

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Excellent work. Seeing the pre-paint version makes it even more impressive. Shame he's armed with a daemon hammer (as canonically that was Gabriel's weapon, Boreale just had it as an option because they used the same model), but that's a minor quibble and the choice of the commissioner anyway.

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The Codecks Astahteys calls this manuevah...oh...my...wow. I knew there was a reason I don't visit this subforum often. Makes my own army look like the work of a fingerpainting toddler. The facial detail is just drop dead amazing, great work man.

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