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Space Wolves 2500 pts

Chronos Darkhelmet

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Here is my WiP SW list! Any comments are appreciated msn-wink.gif

RITE OF WAR: Pride of the Legion


Praetor (paragon, LC, halo, lasers, jetbike) 230
Centurion (Chappy, Cataphractii) 120
Centurion (Medicae, Cataphractii, Burning Claws) 160


10 CataTermies (3 CFs, 7 PFs) 390
10 Vets (bombs, 2 meltaguns, Tank Hunters, sarge with ArtA & PF, vexilla) 290


Spartan (DB, TLHF, auxiliary drive, ceramite, flare shield) 355


Contemptor-Mortis Dreddy (2 Kheres ACs) 180


8 Jetbikes (bombs, 2 culverins, sarge with PF) 400


1 LR Proteus (TLHF, DB, auxiliary drive, ceramite) 255
WW Scorpius (DB) 120

TOT 2500

Chappy & Medicae go with Termies into the Spartan, Praetor is obviously in the JBs, Vets go into the Proteus msn-wink.gif If you think that jetbikes are in to mimic 40k wolves on wolves (the TWC) then yea, you right biggrin.png

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my thoughts:

1. LC on praetor is a Lightning claw? i think it not worth it, paragon strikes on initiative so just pay for another attack isn't useful, i think

2. meltas on vets. most of the vehicles in 30k have ceramite, so smth like plasmas, or sniper HB's can be more useful.

3. Contemptor with Kheres, i'm big fan of contemtor and hate The Boat miniature of Deredeo, but it really better since it have longer range and bette S and Sunder. so against flyers it better

4. for some of this upgrades u can drop auxiliary drivers, they just not worth their points, IMHO, and u can drop vexilia from vets and give 'em fearless usr. also, drop some PF's from Cata's couse 3 Chain fists are not better than two, and not better than one if u fight smth less then Knight. 

5. for catas u can take some combo-plasmas of combo flamers.

everything is IMHO, i don't have much experience with playing heresy, but i think it's basic things.

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I'd maybe take Burning Claw if you were insistent on having an Lclaw. It gives +1S for a S6 Charge. You aren't taking a Forge Lord so no RadNades.


You don't want the Medicae in combat where he can challenge sniped. Seriously. I do it all the time with Sevatar, and I'm assuming people do with Sigismund all the time. Just give him a normal pai of LClaw IMHO as that way he can properly pile in and have fun. You have a lot of Terms. Maybe take some Plasma blasters to strip wounds from enemy terminators? I'd also drop maybe 4 Powerfists from them. You have Chainfists anyway, so that many fists... whoa. Not only to save points, but as ablative wounds, but also for more at Initiative AP3 to take enemy infantry, even the PAxe gives you a 2+ to wound.


Remember that the Proteus is not an Assault vehicle. Only the Phobos is the assault vehicle for Land Raiders.


Contemptor Mortis; Deredeo do it better. Having said that, you are severely lacking in EI killing power. While a Deredeo with an Aiolos is nearly equal to it against infantry, but better versus everything that isn't AV14+ the Kheres Mortis is 40pts cheaper.


You need more boots on the ground. 2 Scoring units is not enough. At 2500pts, people are gearing up to take on multiple knights, Legion Flyers, primarchs, multiple castellax or Triaros/Krios spam. 10 TEQs and 10 MEQ's are nothing, especially when things like the Typhon removes the Armour and Cover from the Jetbikes, and the FNP and Armour from the Terminators.


Your three dangerous units dead with relative ease, that leaves you with 6 Lascannons, 2 Kheres and a Scorpius to win a battle with. The current competative meta would be very unforgiving to this list.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys, thanks for the comments! Yea you're right on all points, and actually here in Italy the metagame is becoming much more competitive even in HH as times goes on (first Taghmata and Knight-only army lists are appearing and causing troubles) biggrin.png

So I've decided to re-elaborate my list in this way:

RITE OF WAR: Armoured Spearhead


Centurion (Burning Claws, Scimitar Jetbike, Refractor Field, Delegatus) 170

Command Squad (5x Chosen, 5x Charnabal Sabre, Scimitar Jetbikes, Melta Bombs) 365


Tactical Squad (10x Space Marines, swap bolters with pistols & CCWs, sarge with ArtA & PF) 175

Tactical Squad (10x Space Marines, swap bolters with pistols & CCWs, sarge with ArtA & PF) 175


Land Raider Phobos (Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade) 275

Land Raider Phobos (Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade) 275


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter (Battle Servitor Control, Ground-Tracking Auguries, 6x Kraken Penetrator Hvy Missiles) 235


Artillery Tank Squadron (2x Medusa) 310

Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (3x Predators, 3x Armoured Ceramite, 3x Dozer Blade, 3x Lascannon pairs) 420

Whirlwind Scorpius (Dozer Blade) 120

TOT 2500

Now the tactics are more tank-oriented, with quite a lot of big guns to deal with more or less anything that walks the soil msn-wink.gif Once the list was what you see at 1st post just because Italian players wanted to leave the HH meta for fun only, but that's not possible anymore now biggrin.png

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