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New Chaos oppisitions?

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I've been away from 40k for a few years and am able to start getting back into it.


I have the new CSM Codex and wonder if I got a misprint.

From the ancient days of Rouge Trader the Chaos Oppositions have always been



This new book says Khorne and Nurgle are switching places.


Did I miss some great realignment?

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As far as I can remember it's always been:


Khorne hates Slaanesh and vice versa.

- Khorne sees Slaanesh as effete and weak, while Slaanesh sees Khorne as brutish and crude.


Nurgle hates Tzeentch and vice versa.

- Entropy and Decay vs Evolution and Change.

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Your amalgam about Khorne -Tzeentch comes from the fact that fluff says that khorne hates sorcery.

Its a bit more then that, Khorne hate those who use sorcery to kill,in khorne's eyes sorcery should only be used as a tool not as a mean.

Forge weapons and machines using sorcery and use sorcery to summon more Deamons=ok.

Using sorcery to kill=not ok.


So Khornes dislike Tzeentch, but Hates Slaanesh guts.

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Always been Khorne v Slaanesh. Nurgle v Tzeentch.


Yeah, my thoughts exactly - I'd be interested to know where the OP had that from.


Although, in truth, we all get along and don't get along in equal measure ;)

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Always been Khorne v Slaanesh. Nurgle v Tzeentch.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly - I'd be interested to know where the OP had that from.

Although, in truth, we all get along and don't get along in equal measure msn-wink.gif

I think he got mixed up with the fact that Khorne dislike the use of sorcery to kill, like i explained in my post.

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