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Fallen Returned

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Hello all,


First let me thank Brother Tyler for helping me get the account established! His assistance is very much appreciated.


I've been in and out of the hobby for years. I started collecting Catachans when I was ten and moved on to Black Templars somewhere in my teens. I gave up GW, for the most part, when I got to college and began building scale historical models (tanks, etc.). I sadly (stupidly) ebay'd my huge Templars/Grey Knights force to buy a roof rack for my jeep sometime thereafter.


About a year ago, while slogging through my Master's, I saw some guys playing 40k in a breakout room. That night I hit Amazon and got a box of Space Wolves. Now I'm well on my way to fielding an army and getting back into it. I've lurked the forums for a while and figured it was time to jump in myself!


Again, thanks Brother Tyler!




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