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Jokaero in Crusaders

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Hi everyone,


I have 2 questions

Do you think the Reinforced armour (models treat their armour save as being one better) from Jokaero customization apply to the Crusader storm shield?

Also if i make an allies detachment with astra militarum can i start the game with units from astra militarum in inquisition vehicles?


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1) no I don't think so because the Storm shield confers an invulnerable save not an armour save. The jokaero would boost the crusader's flak armour 5+ to 4+.


2) as far as I know, yes, but I don't have my rule book with me at the moment to give a reference.

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1) Nope, armour saves are not the same as invulnerable saves.


2) You can start in any vehicle you like, on the condition that it is not a Dedicated Transport for another squad.

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2) You can start in any vehicle you like, on the condition that it is not a Dedicated Transport for another squad.

All Codex: Inquisition vehicles may only be brought as dedicated transports so I guess that means I was wrong and the answer is always no to any ally starting inside an =][= vehicle.

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Thanks for the answer,


@Nicodemus, in the inquisition codex the chimera is not a dedicated transport so all good.


Also do you think that a unit of 4-5 jokaero worth the price to have a long range anti-vehicle unit?

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Seems extreme. I'm not so sure but I'd probably be looking elsewhere in my army list for that kind of anti-armour specialism.


Keep one or two in your warband yes for ranged armour punch but really it should be regarded primarily as a mid-range anti-infantry / anti-high toughness character unit.


Others might disagree :)

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