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Radagast's Raiders ride again

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If I can figure out how to add pictures with my phone, I'll add images. Here's the basics of my army (a more detailed list will be comming just as soon as I get it written out)


All units have Mark of Tzeench.


Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armour


Hq: Chaos Sorcerer


Troop 1: 10 Cultists with Close combat weapons

Troop 2: 20 Cultists with Autoguns


Elite 1: 5 Chosen with Rhino

Elite 2: 5 Chosen with Rhino


Fast: 3 CSMs Bikers


Heavy: Land Raider


My army uses a copper armor with blue trim and light blue helmets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've made some changes to the army.


Let me introduce Sons of the Soulless



It didn't paste the image, this is the entire army thus far.

Individual/unit images will follow.

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