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Black power armour.

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Nah, that's just a flat black basecoat I think.  It's actually pretty easy to paint.  I made a mix of codex gray and black which is very dark, and do a first highlight with that.  After, a thin highlight with codex grey.  Then use solid black to 'push' the highlights towards the edges by slowly covering up the highlights until they're just thin slits on the edges.


Easy. :)


My Templar blog (link in my sig) is full of guys painted this way, if you want to see how it looks.

If you are using GW paints then a 50/50 mix of Eshin Grey & Abbadon Black is a good starting point.


Then you want to edge highlight this with pure Eshin Grey.


Next do finer edge highlights with either a 50/50 mix of Eshin Grey & Dawnstone or just pure Dawnstone depending on how sharp you want the highlights to be.


Finally hit with 3 or 4 coats of Nuln Oil, this will darken the basecoat quite a bit, especially in the recesses and tone down the highlights so they look more natural.


I'd also advise applying any silver basecoats you want before the last step as it'll give you a nice dark steel to work up from.


Sounds painstaking, but if you have a reasonably steady hand it's quite quick.


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