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flakey primer?

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Hi all

I just recently bought a squad of cataphractii termis off ebay for pretty cheap (£25!) but they have been primed black.

The black however flakes off slightly, and its rather annoying. 

I was just wondering if there was a way that I could remedy this without stripping the minis as I can never get all the paint off them whenever I try and a new coat of primer always looks thick in places.

Would a coat of matte varnish keep the primer on, or would simply painting over it seal the primer to it?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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It also sounds to me like the models weren't washed prior to painting/priming, so the paint is more likely to flake off. If you strip the minis down to bare resin, then you can make sure that you are starting with a good clean coat of primer on a mini that has been prepared properly.

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Thank you for the replies all. I better get to stripping them then!

I suppose with the primer already being flakey, they should be a lot easier to strip than usual where I have suffered problems with not getting enough off.


Many thanks, James :)

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Yeah, they could have been primed with a decent spray, but not had the mould releasing gunk washed off the resin beforehand. Either way, you'll need to strip, wash, and start over. The flakiness will almost certainly make it easier, at least. Good luck!


Let us know how it turns out.

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