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Scouts and grav weapons, alternative to bikes?


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Been looking at some solid alternatives for the troop slot. My impressions so far are tacticals are effective for delivering heavy flamers/plasma while scouts focus on close combat


The sergeant being bs4 and having the option of taking combi weapons seems like an effective way to deliver grav. 5 scouts with a combi-grav clocks in at just under 70 points, can infiltrate turn 1 and get the full salvo or be reserved/outflanked depending on matchup. This gives them good synergi with either drop pod/alpha lists or units moving up the board. 


Another option would be 10man units with one combi-grav and combat squadded to help in kill point missions, but with maelstorm and mostly objective missions i'm not sure which is stronger.


For less then 400 points you can run 6 scout units getting 18 grav-shots off turn one, post alpha they will support other units with assaulting and objective holding, if you go second you have 4 cheap ablaitive wounds your opponent has to chew through before he can stop the grav. 


Havent tried in a real game yet, only barebone close combat scouts (which i have been pleased with), but right off the bat i'm seing multiple ways of playing them vs different list. Even if opponent if running cheap blobs they still can immobilize veichles or simply assault having 14 str 5 attacks each on the charge.

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Realistically speaking, you wont be able to infiltrate most of them closer than 18" from your opponent's models. That leaves you barely in range, grav guns having 18" range. Now if you move, your range is 9", thus leaving you out of range completely. Being that close on turn one also leaves you vulnerable to the enemy assault units, 18" is quite a short distance if he has bikes or jump troops so there is a good chance your scouts will get charged on the first turn, letting your opponent 'slingshot' his assault units forward almost for free.


Personally I would never use grav guns on non-relentless units, losing half of the already short range and falling down to only two shots is just too much.

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Realistically speaking, you wont be able to infiltrate most of them closer than 18" from your opponent's models. That leaves you barely in range, grav guns having 18" range. Now if you move, your range is 9", thus leaving you out of range completely. Being that close on turn one also leaves you vulnerable to the enemy assault units, 18" is quite a short distance if he has bikes or jump troops so there is a good chance your scouts will get charged on the first turn, letting your opponent 'slingshot' his assault units forward almost for free.


Personally I would never use grav guns on non-relentless units, losing half of the already short range and falling down to only two shots is just too much.


I might be wrong, but you can infiltrate 18" away then scout move 6" and it does not count as moving (full salvo and range).


Edit: That is why you want only 5 or combat squads, if some get assaulted the other scout squads counter assault. If your podding stuff in you really don't mind loosing a few scout squads. Another option vs assault heavy armies would to outflank scouts and slowplay the rest of the armies for a turn. 

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I think putting a combi-grav on your troop tax scout sergeants is a good idea, but its not strong enough to build a whole list around.


I'm not sure on this either, i'm thinking maybe around 3 units. They would atleast need to be CAD/obsec if running more. 

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 if he has bikes there is a good chance your scouts will get charged on the first turn, letting your opponent 'slingshot' his assault units forward almost for free.



Not if the scouts are up somewhere high. Bikes are like Dalecks, they can't do stairs. ;)

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Realistically speaking, you wont be able to infiltrate most of them closer than 18" from your opponent's models. That leaves you barely in range, grav guns having 18" range. Now if you move, your range is 9", thus leaving you out of range completely. Being that close on turn one also leaves you vulnerable to the enemy assault units, 18" is quite a short distance if he has bikes or jump troops so there is a good chance your scouts will get charged on the first turn, letting your opponent 'slingshot' his assault units forward almost for free.


Personally I would never use grav guns on non-relentless units, losing half of the already short range and falling down to only two shots is just too much.


I might be wrong, but you can infiltrate 18" away then scout move 6" and it does not count as moving (full salvo and range).


Edit: That is why you want only 5 or combat squads, if some get assaulted the other scout squads counter assault. If your podding stuff in you really don't mind loosing a few scout squads. Another option vs assault heavy armies would to outflank scouts and slowplay the rest of the armies for a turn. 



I must say I completely forgot scout move. That in mind, it does actually sound like an interesting trick to try out.

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Wouldn't combat squadding a unit as easy to kill as some close combat scouts be bad in a kill points game? Instead of one point when they inevitably get shot to pieces they get two


That would be the benifit of taking 10, so you can opt to combat squad or not depending on mission. The drawback is only 1 combi-grav per 10. Kill points are pretty rare though, even if your not playing maelstorm and a lot of tournaments that have kill point missions also include maelstorm as secondary objective. 

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Realistically speaking, you wont be able to infiltrate most of them closer than 18" from your opponent's models. That leaves you barely in range, grav guns having 18" range. Now if you move, your range is 9", thus leaving you out of range completely. Being that close on turn one also leaves you vulnerable to the enemy assault units, 18" is quite a short distance if he has bikes or jump troops so there is a good chance your scouts will get charged on the first turn, letting your opponent 'slingshot' his assault units forward almost for free.


Personally I would never use grav guns on non-relentless units, losing half of the already short range and falling down to only two shots is just too much.


I might be wrong, but you can infiltrate 18" away then scout move 6" and it does not count as moving (full salvo and range).


Edit: That is why you want only 5 or combat squads, if some get assaulted the other scout squads counter assault. If your podding stuff in you really don't mind loosing a few scout squads. Another option vs assault heavy armies would to outflank scouts and slowplay the rest of the armies for a turn. 



I must say I completely forgot scout move. That in mind, it does actually sound like an interesting trick to try out.



Don't worry, everyone forgets the Scout move :(

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I like how rifles don't even make the list for consideration this edition. I'd say boltguns, if you're shooting first turn you might as well pile it on. Half the stuff you'll be shooting grav guns at won't be hurt by them, but afaik they're still used for killing 2+ heavy infantry and a bolter or two could help force some saves? Plus, once you've fired the grav the sergeant will have a boltgun anyway, so.


Once you've fired the grav the squad is probably dead so idk why I'm bringing turn 2 stuff up, actually. Since shotguns and pistols are both 12" and you're unlikely to be in range with those with your scout move, they're probably largely irrelevant anyway? I mean this squad is going to die, right.

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Scout biker sergeants . They aren't troops but you'll get a relentless grav with scout and infiltrate on the cheap.

I wondered about that. I'd love a reason to get a scout bike squad because I like the minis a lot, too. Fast attack slots, though..?

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What do you think is the best weapon load out for the rest of the squad? Bolsters, shotguns, or BP/CCW?


I'd say BP/CCW. On turn 1, the scout sergeant stays put, but the rest of the guys move up to threaten a charge on T2. Whomever is left when they get to assault will need as much punch as possible. Could possibly mix in a shotgun or two at the front of the squad to get an extra shot off without screwing yourself over for T2 in case he survives.


Something like:

-Scout Sergeant: Combi-grav, Shotgun (is that legal? I think it is but not 100% sure), meltabomb if you're feeling spendy.

-2-3 Scouts with BP/CCW

-1-2 Scouts with Shotguns


One thing I'd say, though: I wouldn't expand the points for the combigrav until I had completed every other aspect of my list. Sometimes those 10 pts will allow you to buy something that is of greater importance. Something to keep in mind.

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Scout biker sergeants . They aren't troops but you'll get a relentless grav with scout and infiltrate on the cheap.

I wondered about that. I'd love a reason to get a scout bike squad because I like the minis a lot, too. Fast attack slots, though..?


Flest Tearer Strike Force. Six FA slots, and access to the (admittedly almost entirely mediocre) Flesh Tearers relics

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I like how rifles don't even make the list for consideration this edition. I'd say boltguns, if you're shooting first turn you might as well pile it on. Half the stuff you'll be shooting grav guns at won't be hurt by them, but afaik they're still used for killing 2+ heavy infantry and a bolter or two could help force some saves? Plus, once you've fired the grav the sergeant will have a boltgun anyway, so.


Once you've fired the grav the squad is probably dead so idk why I'm bringing turn 2 stuff up, actually. Since shotguns and pistols are both 12" and you're unlikely to be in range with those with your scout move, they're probably largely irrelevant anyway? I mean this squad is going to die, right.


I think it really depends on how many scouts you bring and if you are bringing pods or moving up the table. If your playing vs a mid range shooty army like Necrons it won't cost them anything to kill the scouts while still advancing since they will be out of range for anything else regardless, versus armies like that i'd be inclined to outflank all the Scouts so everything arrives at the same time. 


BP/CCW or Shotguns seem ideal, but ws3>bs3 and the str 5 will probably be more useful if they are not sacrificed just to get the grav shot off. Five combat scouts do over 3 hull points on avg assaulting a Wave Serpent, even if they are fast you can create a lot of bubbles they need to avoid.

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I like the idea a lot. It has a lot of merrit. Remtek you have a knack for comming up with solid BA ideas just want to say thanks to you and all others who post these ideas instead of cackiling madly at your own brilliance daily wishing your life away till that next tournement.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Digging this thread back up because I'm going to try this idea out - how would you recommend actually making grav scout minis? I'm not seeing any kind of easy conversion. Also, has anyone given this a shot this since the topic first circulated, and did it work?

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Just finished painting 10 scouts, but i havent started on the combi ones. The normal scout box comes with bolters, just cut off at hand and replace with combi-grav from tactical box. Not sure if you don't have the tactical box leftover's but thats what i did with bike sarge. No playtesting yet, last weekend we did some funky 250point team games.. :)  I'm liking scouts in general though and i can't see any issues with combi-gravs making their points back and then some on avg.

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