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Games Workshop Dark Vengeance & Bloodthister painting guide

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Games Workshop has posted up painting guide video for the Dark Vengeance box set & today see the video on Crimson Slaughter.  I think the Daek Vengeance video are aim for people just starting out in the hobby?  It always great seen the painting guide video & pick up lot good tips, check out the rest of the painting guide videos that are up on the Games Workshop youtube page.


Dark Vengeance modelling and painting part 6: Chaos Space Marines and Lord Kranon



Dark Vengeance modelling and painting part 7: Chaos Cultists.



Dark Vengeance modelling and painting part 8: The Helbrute.



Also add in the video guide on painting the Bloodthister, I use this to help me with my own model & useing parts from the White Dwarf release a few week back with the Bloodthister painting guide.


Archaon - How to paint a Khorne Bloodthirster (part 1 of 2)



Archaon - How to paint a Bloodthirster (part 2 of 2)


You can find more painting guide by here


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Can we sticky this or put it in a collected sticky of paintguides for newcomers and veterans? This is great information. 


Forte will add links in the resource pinned topic soon.  We will always have these added to help out the Chaos community no matter if there brand new or veteran of the long war :D

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It's funny watching this. It's interesting to see how different people tackle the figus. He uses a brighter red than I do. I prefer something with a little more purplish into the red.. .not as deep as Khorne, but like Waazdakka red... kind of like his shirt. :) I might build up to his level of brightness, but I like it a bit deeper.


I always like seeing the methodology. The colours are personal but every once in a while you see someone give you a great idea in these videos.

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Yes, as said there a lot of great guide over on the Games Workshop youtube page.  I use the Bloodthister one to help me along with the guide in the White Dwarf (Bloodthister release).

They also have a list in the detail part/under the video of the paints that been use during those painting guide video.

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Can we sticky this or put it in a collected sticky of paintguides for newcomers and veterans? This is great information.

Forte will add links in the resource pinned topic soon. We will always have these added to help out the Chaos community no matter if there brand new or veteran of the long war :D

I've often added tutorials and projects that have been found into the Resources Thread (like the Awakening Realms ones I'll be adding later which has an awesome Bloodthirster tutorial). Please pop in there now and then as it contains all sorts of useful things. And please, if you find anything which you think should be added then post in the suggestions topic.


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I do like the videos a lot. I watch him paint the dreaded Biker and think... why couldn't I just simplify things like that? I have such a stupidly long process, and at the end of the day is all the extra time REALLY worth it if I never finish the army?

I love how he has a very simple approach that gets a lot of bang for the buck out of his time invested.

I probably would have had my CS chosen done a year ago if I had done a similar process to his. I think getting frustrated with an army and perhaps even leaving it can have a lot to do with not making any progress with it.


Not a great photo but it shows my nearly finished Draznicht..... do you know how many others I have completed since? Zero. I have a WIP of the Axe champ (Forgot his name) and is it really worth it to bury yourself in process? I am seriously doubting it.

I really like his series. Pretty much watched all of it since I have a DA army too.

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Prot, you really underestimate your own painting. And that extra time to get the quality you want is always worth it.

yep! these guys are spot on ;) and the DV video guides are for beginners, he doesn't even use highlites f. e. .... that's great for newbies as they can play with them (and not with ugly grey models) and go back later and add some hightlites :P

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I started into miniatures gaming and painting in 1990. I really wish these videos existed then, they would have gone a long way to kickstarting me on the right path...

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I didn't have access to any of the books or many White Dwarfs... And the articles I remember reading were poorly written with horrible pictures...

All I remember was every base had to be painted Goblin Green and edged with Bestial Brown...


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They they went all "pva, flock, and goblin green edges" ;)


Have to admit the level of tutorials you can find these days is ridiculously high. Especially if you go down the DVD route with people like Jen Haley (GD multiple winner) creating them. And books being available from people like Angel Giraldez and Figone. All the information you could hope for is out there no matter what level you paint to.

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I didn't have access to any of the books or many White Dwarfs... And the articles I remember reading were poorly written with horrible pictures...

All I remember was every base had to be painted Goblin Green and edged with Bestial Brown...


The tutorial from the 3rd edition codex for the Iron Warriors was simplicity itself. Paint silver, paint gold, Goblin Green for the base. In the 3.5 book the Black Legion was also basic, basecoat with Chaos Black, silver and gold, no highlights, no details, nothing.

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I didn't have access to any of the books or many White Dwarfs... And the articles I remember reading were poorly written with horrible pictures...

All I remember was every base had to be painted Goblin Green and edged with Bestial Brown...


The tutorial from the 3rd edition codex for the Iron Warriors was simplicity itself. Paint silver, paint gold, Goblin Green for the base. In the 3.5 book the Black Legion was also basic, basecoat with Chaos Black, silver and gold, no highlights, no details, nothing.

Haha I wasn't playing Iron Warriors during Third, I wanted to be different... ;)

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I'm not sure of the exact figure, but I would think most of the people who buy starter sets are in fact starters looking to get into the game, or people like me looking to add new models for cheap! That being said, most people I have played against are terrible painters or just don't care enough to actually try and paint their models well. I am certainly no gift to the brush myself, and I have lots of unpainted models just like the next guy. I think all of my 40 cultists are primed and maybe have like.. their cloaks painted and their pants painted and that's it.

As our much beloved "ode to the chaos cultist" thread pointed out.. most of the time I'm pulling these guys off the board by the handful, so they have never earned any sort of love and respect in the form of legit paint jobs. .. I really like this little guide though. Not because it goes into a bunch of detail on how to paint them to golden Daemon standard, but because he shows how basic you can paint these guys and still have them look decent while you remove handfuls of them from the board each turn!

Thanks for the links smile.png I am going to watch all of these. I have two sets of Chosen that remain unpainted still, and One hellbrute needing paint too!


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