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Nurgle warband


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I am reading in this forum for a long time but now i have created my account. I am collecting an imperial guard and a nurge themed csm army. Now, after some years without playing i want to start again with my nurgle warband and bring pain to the galaxy!

The tactic with this list ist to have a fast and hard hitting Hammer with a solid anvil. The havocs get in the bastion and the oblit in top. The predator fired from behind, the marines See marching forward. The Raptors and the bikes ob a flank. The dreadclaw shocks at the First turn brings the possessed in Turn 2 in close combat. With the comm relay the cybots hopefully will shock in Turn 2.

What do you think about this. This is a Universal list against all enemies. Furthermore I have a landraider, 5 termies, 7 plague marines with melter, 5 havocs with Heavy bolters, 21 cultists, a deamonprince and a convertet forgefiend/maulerfiend.


csm 1999pts



Chaos Lord (170pts)

Bike, Burning Brand of Skalanthrax, Lightning Claws, Mark of Nurgle, Power Armour, Sigil of corruption, Warlord



Possessed (182pts)

6x Possessed, Possessed Champion



Plague Marines (Troops) (198pts)

4x Plague Marine

Plague Champion

Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Plague Knife

2x Plague Marine with Special weapon

2x Plasma Gun


Plague Marines (Troops) (198pts)

4x Plague Marine

Plague Champion

Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Plague Knife

2x Plague Marine with Special weapon

2x Plasma Gun


Fast Attack

[FW] Chaos Dreadclaw Drop Pod (100pts)

Dreadclaw Drop Pod


Chaos Bikers (123pts)

2x Chaos Biker, Mark of Nurgle, 2x Meltagun

Chaos Biker Champion

Bolt Pistol

Power Weapon

Power Sword


Raptors (175pts)

2x Flamer, Mark of Nurgle, 6x Raptor

Raptor Champion

Bolt Pistol

Power Sword


Heavy Support

Chaos Predator (140pts)

Lascannons, Twin-Linked Lascannon


Havocs (182pts)

6x Havoc, Mark of Nurgle, 4x Missile Launcher

Aspiring Champion

Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon


Obliterators (76pts)

Mark of Nurgle, Obliterator


Imperial Bastion (95pts)

Comms Relay


Formation: Mayhem Pack (360pts)



Power fist

Heavy flamer



Power fist

Heavy flamer

Power fist

Heavy flamer




Power fist

Heavy flamer


Created with BattleScribe

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Besides the normal problems with troop based chaos armies in 7th and some miss geared models, I would like to point out that paying 100pts to deliver 6 meq in to melee on turn 2+ is not the best use of almost 300pts. For the same points you could buy a sorc, more bikes and have an ok melee unit.

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