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Pre-Heresy Night Lords List - 3K Terror Assault


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So I've taken the plunge into 30K. While I love my Wolves in 40K, and very well may give the Sons of Russ the 30K treatment once their specific legion rules are out, today is not that day. Today, I stand in midnight clad devil.gif.
I'm putting together a Night Lords list from before the Heresy, that in my backstory is composed of Terran legionnaires and the first generations of recruits from Nostramo, the ones who embodied Kurze's "terror for the greater good" ideology. I'm looking for some feedback fleshing out a well-rounded force that can stay competitive without losing sight of what makes the Night Lords singular. Here's what I have so far:

+++ Pre-Heresy Night Lords (3000pts)+++

+ HQ +

Legion Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Iron Halo, Void Shield Harness, Chainfist (Master-Crafted), Teleportation Transponder, Trophies of Judgment

* I know almost everyone gives their Praetor the Paragon blade, and not doing so is a questionable call at best. Personally, I've always loved my HQ to be the guy who can drop a charging Carnifex, tank, etc. with a punch, so for how I envision my Praetor, the MC-Chainfist fits that bill. The Void Shield Harness seems to be the best defense for him given the lack of stormshields or an option for Eternal Warrior (stupid SoH and IF furious.gif.)

Siege Breaker: Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Volkite Serpenta, Phosphex Bombs, Trophies of Judgment

* Siege Breaker probably isn't the Consul choice most would think of when it comes to Night Lords, but I actually think he fits perfectly with the Night Raptors squad, and with his thunder hammer and Phosphex bombs he enables them to pose a threat to hard targets that might try to intercept.

+ Troops +

Legion Tactical Squad: 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade, Drop Pod

- Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour & Power Fist

Terror Squad: 7x Executioner, Rotor Cannon, 3x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod

- Headsman: Artificer Armour & Nostraman Chainglaive

Terror Squad: 7x Executioner, 2x Heavy Chainblade, Rotor Cannon, 3x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod
- Headsman: Artificer Armour & Power Fist

+ Elites +

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon:
- Legion Contemptor Dreadnought: DCCW w/ Heavy Flamer & Twin-linked Lascannon
- Legion Contemptor Dreadnought: Chainfist w/ Graviton Gun & Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon

Legion Terminator Squad: 7x Terminators, Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Teleportation Transponder, 1x Chainfist, 1x Lightning Claw, 1x Pair of Lightning Claws, 1x Power Fist, 1x Thunder Hammer, Plasma Blaster & 4x Volkite Charger
- Legion Terminator Sergeant: Nostraman Chainglaive & Volkite Charger

* The Atramentar are my favorite aspect of the Night Lords legion, so a terminator unit is mandatory. They're supposed to be CC monsters, so I want to kit them out as such, but I'm open to suggestion on loadout.

+ Fast Attack +

Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship: Two Twin-linked Lascannons & Armoured Ceramite

* The Gunship is air support and a transport for my Praetor & Atramentar when I don't teleport them in. I'm not in love with the Gunship, though, so if anyone can offer a better use of the points, I'm interested.

Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron: Multi-Melta, 3x Space Marine Sky Hunters
- Sky Hunter Sergeant: Power Fist

Night Raptor Squad: 5x Night Raptor, 3x Nostraman Chainglaive, 1x Pair of Lightning Claws, 1x Plasma gun, 1x Power Axe
- Huntmaster: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Meltabombs

+ Heavy Support +

Legion Artillery Tank Squadron:
- Legion Medusa: Phosphex Shells & Twin-Linked Bolter
- Legion Medusa: Phosphex Shells & Twin-Linked Bolter

* HS has a lot of great options, and with only one slot available this was a tough choice. Artillery isn't what you think of when you hear Night Lords, but upon reflecting I thought given their pragmatism and deliberate disregard for the rules of engagement and human/xenos life, I could totally see them bringing along some Medusas and using Phosphex Shells to soften up their prey before going in for the kill. However, given the limitation placed by the Rite of War, would another HS choice be better? A Deredo Dread for anti-air and ranged? A Caestus to ram the Atramentar deep into the heart of the enemy line? I digress. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

I think you'd be better off outting your praetor and terminators in a Spartan or Land Raider over the Storm Eagle. With it being your only flyer in the list it'll have a big "SHOOT ME!" Sign on it and then it's highly likely you'll lose whomever is being transported in it

Thanks for the feedback, Black_Out. That's something I hadn't thought about - would you consider adding addition air support (Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter, Fire Raptor Gunship, second Storm Eagle) an valid alternative to the Land Raider/Spartan?

I'm pretty sure that the Compulsory troops for Terror Assault is 3 Terror Squads; so you'd have to change that. Btw, Salamanders have the Easiest Access to Eternal Warrior and Storm Shields.


Your only anti-air is a Storm Eagle  and with Deredeos now out and about and the Popularity of Fire Raptors (they're solid overall) your Flyer is more likely to crash and burn than it is to make stuff crash and burn. Its also as Black_out said: Its a giant fire magnet and it will die fast.


Now, for Anti-Air, your best option is the Deredeo due to its S8 Sunder and "always hits side armor" S6 Missiles that can fire at different targets or the Fire Raptor with Reapers. The Sicarian is a stop gap at best. The Mortis Kheres is decent but with 24" range its more likely to get shot by its target than shoot at it.


For Air Support, Primaris-Lightnings are good cheap Bunker Busters. Load em up with Kraken Penetrators and potentially kill a Spartan the turn it comes on. Then watch it die horribly. Or use the Phosphex Clusters on TEQ Blobs. But, again, beware the Deredeo. It'll die even faster than a Storm Eagle.


Fire Raptor is a good all-round unit. With Terror Assaults single Heavy Support Slot, I think it makes the best use of it if taking the Deredeo is a no-go.




I also think you'd be better served with Destroyers and a Moritat than a Siege Breaker (who I assume you took mostly to unlock Phosphex Shells on your medusae). You still have the Phosphex Bombs (destroyer Sgt), you get Rad Grenades (Moritat), Rad Missiles to help your other units tackle High Toughness, Multi-Wound units (Castellax, mainly), Squad-Wide Melta Bombs.


Give the Moritat Twin Serpentas and let him shoot for as long as he can and hopefully have those Deflagrate wounds pile up enough to erase squads. Since the Moritat and Destroyers have Counter-Attack you'd still be able to deal decent damage back to anything that charges you; which will be at -1T due to Rad Grenades (and this, iirc, stacks with RadMissiles Rad-Phage if they survive taking a wound for up to -2T to things like Castellax which can be game changing). If you want 2 Missile Launchers and a Moritat, however, you'd have to give them Jump Packs since Destroyers can only (base) take Rhinos or a Land Raider Proteus as dedicated transports.


Obviously there are better choices but I feel this fits the best with what your going. Then again, a unit like this can run ~500 points if you include the Moritat so you'd probably end up cutting out other things.




So, I'd focus mostly on either getting a Deredeo or Fire Raptor in your Heavy Support to plug the gaping hole that is anti-air in your list then tackle any other problems.


If you ever find that Terminators aren't working out, another TEQ option would be Jetbikes; just give them a Primus Medicae on a Jetbike for 2+, T5, FNP for standard bikes while your HQs will have Invuln saves and the Void-Shield harness giving you a nice Bubble Wrap. These Jetbikes could, alternatively, be a Command Squad if you want more loadout options; though it wouldnt let you take special weapons.


The Blurb on the Destroyers and Moritat is mostly there because Legion lists that have a more anti-infantry focus will have a really hard time when they come up against a Legio Cybernetica Mechanicum list that spams as many Castellax as possible with as many Allied Knights as possible too. They're mostly a stop-gap measure but being able to soften up their High Toughness multi-wound models prior to an assault by your dedicated combat units helps a lot.

Wow... thank you, Slipstreams. I don't think I could have hoped for a more in-depth, thoughtful reply, and the detail you provided clarified some aspects of 30K I am obviously unfamiliar with (Mechanicum, especially).


  You are spot on about the Salamanders - I totally forgot about them, and they were the first legion published with EW & stormshields, too, so shame on me lol.


  I was under the impression that the mandatory troop count was two units of Terror Squads? I'm not saying you're wrong - just the opposite, actually - I just thought that after the two slots were taken you were free to use whatever other Troop units you liked, especially given that Tactical Squads can take drop pods as well.


  I actually love Dreadnoughts, particularly any variant of the Contemptor, so the Deredeo would be a welcome addition. I like the Fire Raptor as well, so I may give that a shot at some point as both also feel fluffy to me for the Night Lords, but if I have to choose I'll drop the artillery for the Deredeo.


  The Moritat and Destroyer squad are another suggestion I hadn't given much thought. I admit I was put off at first by the prohibitive cost of a kitted-out squad, but after reading your post and looking at what they brought to the table has made me reconsider. And from my understanding - I'm not always up to date with the best loadouts and whatnot - the Moritat used to be run with dual plasma pistols, but that got nerfed so Volkite serpentas definitely sound like the way to go.


  So here's my revised list:


+ HQ +


Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Chainfist (Master-Crafted), Void Shield Harness, Trophies of Judgment, Teleportation Transponder


Moritat: Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Refractor Field, Trophies of Judgment, Volkite Serpenta, Volkite Serpenta, Melta Bombs


+ Troops +


Terror Squad: 6x Executioner, Rotor Cannon, 3x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod

- Headsman: Artificer Armour & Nostraman Chainglaive


Terror Squad: 4x Executioner, Rotor Cannon, 4x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod

- Headsman: Artificer Armour & Power Fist


Terror Squad: 9x Executioner, 2x Heavy Chainblade, Rotor Cannon, 4x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod

- Headsman: Artificer Armour & Power Fist


+ Elites +


Contemptor Dreadnought: Chainfist & Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon


Legion Destroyer Squad: 5x Legion Destroyer Space Marine, Jump Packs, 1x Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles

- Legion Destroyer Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist & 3x Phosphex Bombs


Legion Terminator Squad: 7x Cataphractii Terminators, 1x Chainfist, 1x Lightning Claw, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, Plasma Blaster, 1x Power Fist, 2x Thunderhammer, 4x Volkite Charger, Teleportation Transponder

- Legion Terminator Sergeant: Nostraman Chainglaive & Volkite Charger


+ Fast Attack +


Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship: Armoured Ceramite, Two Twin-linked Lascannons


Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron: 3x Space Marine Sky Hunters, Multi-Melta

- Sky Hunter Sergeant: Power Fist


Night Raptor Squad: 5x Night Raptor, Flamer, 3x Nostraman Chainglaive, Power Weapon, Pair of Lightning Claws

- Huntmaster: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs


+ Heavy Support +


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite, Twin-linked Heavy Flamer


Thoughts? With the strength of the Praetor & Terminator Bodyguard, Moritat & Destroyer Squad and the Contemptor & Deredeo Dreads, do I have enough muscle to deal with a Castellax and/or Knight heavy list?

I don't know hardly anything about mechanicum lists as I've yet to encounter one but I'd suggest perhaps dropping the rotor cannons and putting more volkite or maybe melta bombs in those terror squads. I've yet to use them but from BatReps I've read their S3 makes them largely useless with everything you see being T4+

1-2 knights should be ok but ive recently had a 2v1 game with my fists and wolf_packs IH vs mechanicum and 4 knights. We had~1k point lead (due to how our campaign worked) and we got stomped hard. Sure we killed 3 knights and the last one had only 1hp but it stomped and removed the IH spartan with a 6 and survived 4 turns of a (at the start) 20 man breacher squad with squad wide melta bombs though the other knight that charged in did die.


At the end, i only had my achilles and phobos with siggy and templars left vs 1hp lancer, 6 castellax with 3 darkfires (2 squads) magos with 1 wound and 4 myrmidon bodyguard and 3 thallax. We called it there since it was t5 and my phobos got immobilized.


So, 1 knight, ok. 2 still ok but ehhh. 3+ and youll habe a hard time.

Yikes... that Mechanicum sounds like a tough nut to crack, indeed! I don't think anyone in my regular gaming circle is building a Mechanicum force, but I'll keep that your advice in mind if someone decides to later! Are there any legions the Night Lords seem to particularly struggle against? The guys I go up against most often have started World Eaters, Death Guard, Alpha Legion, and Raven Guard, as well as Solar Auxilia, but I'm trying to prepare for all comers.


Alright, I took out the rotor cannons and jetbikes to beef up my terror squads and add an apothecary. Here's the third take:


+ HQ +


Legion Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Chainfist (Master-Crafted), Teleportation Transponder, Trophies of Judgment, Void Shield Harness



Moritat: Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Refractor Field, Trophies of Judgment, Volkite Serpenta, Volkite Serpenta & Melta Bombs



+ Troops +


Terror Squad: 6x Executioner, Heavy Chainblade, 5x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod

· Headsman: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs


Terror Squad: 6x Executioner, 5x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod

· Headsman: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs


Terror Squad: 9x Executioners, 2x Heavy Chainblade, 6x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod

· Headsman: Artificer Armour, Power Fist


+ Elites +


Contemptor Dreadnought: Chainfist, Graviton Gun, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon


Legion Apothecary: Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner


Legion Destroyer Squad: 5x Legion Destroyer Space Marines, Jump Packs, Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles Only

· Legion Destroyer Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, 3x Phosphex Bombs


Legion Terminator Squad: 7x Cataphractii Terminators, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, 1x Lightning Claw, 1x Power Fist, 2x Thunderhammer, 4x Volkite Charger, Plasma Blaster, Teleportation Transponder

· Legion Terminator Sergeant: Nostraman Chainglaive, Volkite Charger


+ Fast Attack +


Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship: Armoured Ceramite, Single Missile Launcher, Two Twin-linked Lascannons


Night Raptor Squad: 7x Night Raptor, Flamer, 4x Nostraman Chainglaive, Pair of Lightning Claws, 2x Power Weapon

· Huntmaster: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs


+ Heavy Support +


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite, Twin-linked Heavy Flamer

I'm pretty happy with the list; just watch out for Blob Lists (quite common with 20 man Tacs), Air Cav (quite rare but they can field 5+ Flyers at 2.5k and only really work with RG the best, atm, until we get Blood Angels and see what they get) and Uber-Mech List fielding tons of Av13+ (Iron Hands, mostly).


Beyond 'Gimmick' Lists, Iron Hands will be the hardest for you since they get -1S to any shooting done to their Marines and with Ferrus and their RoW buff vehicles pretty hard.


Of those you listed, Keep out of combat with the WE especially Red Butchers, avoid them like the plague and shoot them dead.


Death Guard will mostly be staying out of the massive amounts of Shred Templates they can field.


RG will be to deploy and start the Game Defensively since, if your opponent is using the RoW and Maun, he's likely to go first 88%+ of the time and Alpha Strike you hard.


Alpha Legion is a case by case basis.

Night Lords become really good with their melee units during Night Fighting; essentially in the first couple of turns, so benefit from having Assaulters getting in during the second turn (although that's only a 4+, so not a given), which lets them get I5. This takes you in two directions; Drop Pods, or Land Raiders.


The problem with the Rite of War, is that with only a 50% chance on Turn 2, and a 17% chance in turn 3 for Night Fighting, this means you need to get close ASAP. However, to get the benefit from Talent for Murder, you need to outnumber the opponent. To outnumber the opponent at your initiative step, you need to ensure quick casualties on your chosen targets, and that Drop Pods only carry an equivalent of 10 models, meaning them only really useful for taking on supporting squads.


I unfortunately believe that this limits you to Terminators to benefit from this rule; but because Deep Strike is Turn 3 assault, and Night Fighting is so unlikely to happen on that turn, you can't make use of Teleport Transponders, and are instead forced to use Spartans (because Storm Eagles and Caestus have the same problem), Assault Squads (which are notoriously overcosted), Destroyer Squads with Jump Packs (which lack Power Weapons, despite having access to 2+ to wound on such an occasion), Night Raptors, and Spartans accessible via your LONE Heavy Support choice. Your Rite of War can be a Super Heavy Transport, however; A Crassus or Gorgon from Imperial Armour Vol 1; 2nd Edition is a legal option, although maybe not what you want.


You cannot even take a Fortification for a Skyshield to take something like a Caestus first turn.


I'm not personally sure I'd bother giving the Moritat the Artificer Armour or the Refractor field. Night Lords do well with combined charges; as you can see benefit from Talent for Murder the most; so I'd spend those points on a Power Sword and having him just slaughter infantry while your Night Raptors (combined unit size of 28 means) Chainglaive rips through the Sergeant (2+ to wound with the Rad Grenades and Talent for Murder, at I5 thanks to Night Fighting special rule from Terror Assault.

Death guard straight up ignore all of fear so that's something to watch out for. I like the list I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do for my night lords yet. Terror assualt seems interesting. Or a horde list with sevater for infiltrate.

@Slipstreams, @Hesh Kadesh,@ThatOneMarshal,& @LolSkalatrax: Thanks for all the excellent feedback and advice, guys. @Slipstreams & @Hesh Kadesh in particular - you both went above and beyond, so thank you both very much for taking the time. I definitely feel better prepared to take down anything I come up against now. I'm really happy with the list, and glad you guys approve of it as well, though I'd like to touch on a couple of questions that arose for me after reading your replies:


1) I'm still a little unsure of the Moritat. @Hesh Kadesh, you gave an excellent analysis of why he'd do well with a power sword - would you give him a bolt pistol, Volkite serpenta, or plasma pistol to go with it? You also said the artificer armor and refractor field might be superfluous - is that simply because he's survivable enough without them and they don't do enough to protect him for their cost, or because his role will usually get him killed regardless so save the points? Just trying to understand his role and how best to use him.


2) Is there a better Consul option for Terror Assault? I'm liking the Moritat, and fluff-wise he totally fits the VIII Legion, but I'm just wondering if, for example, a Chaplain might help boost the close combat prowess of the Terror Squads or the Night Raptors, or a Praevian with Castellax might provide another heavy-hitting unit to help my terminators and Contemptor deal with hard targets in close combat? Obviously something else would have to go to make room, but I'm just wondering aloud at this point.


3) Sevatar. Everything I've read on him agrees he's a beast, and his ability to Deep Strike my terminators right to him is hard to ignore. AND he's only 20 points more than the Moritat I currently have. Would it be worth it to drop the Centurion and roll with my Praetor & Sevatar instead? I haven't seen any rules stating you couldn't use both, so I apologize if I missed it, but it just seems to my novice eye that those two would be a pretty nasty duo to say the least.

1) 2 serpentas, and he will be a monster, less then with plasmas, but new FAQ changed it.

2) raptors cool themselves imo, and why u suited everyone with weapons? some will die on the way.

3) praetor&Sev is a 2 beatsticks, costing together so much. u can take them both, but for what purpose? sev ability for drop terms will work only if u transport him in ground vehicle or in drop pod. if u put him in the eagle and termies teleportating then half of your army in reserve, and mb i'm missing smth, but if he's master of atramentar requires him to be on the table when termies deep strike then its bad idea.

1) A Moritat is very much an HQ you send out to die but deal as much damage as possible beforehand; its almost unheard of a Moritat being ignored after unleashing his shooting and, if you opponent knows the threat he poses, will die 100% of the time. Sinking points into survivability, in this rather exceptional case, could be viewed as a waste of points because of the amount of fire he'll be taking afterwards.


Plasma Pistols on a Moritat I'd ignore. They've been FAQ'd to 'Gets Hot!' on 1s and 2s now; not worth it. If you were Imperial Fists, a case could be made for Bolt Pistols since he'd gain +1BS and be at BS6 meaning he can re-roll anyones (which would end his chain shooting for the pistol in question) and keep on going on a 6. As of now, the best 'bang for your buck' is the Serpenta due to the Damage Potential when coupled with Deflagrate. If he could dual wield Archeotech Pistols (i dont think he can) then those would be the money since they're Ap3.


2) A Vigilator/Chaplain/Champion/Forge Lord/Siege Breaker/Praevian/Librarian/Primus Medicae are all worth consideration and it depends on how you want to focus your list. In the case of Terror Assault where you want to do most of your fighting with Mid-Range shooting and CC, Chaplains with a jump pack tacked onto your Night Raptors would be a good choice, yes. 


The Praevian is solid with his Castellax since the ones that accompany him gain Legions Astartes: <insert legion here> which can make for some very powerful combinations.


The Vigilator can be Decent; his pre-game D6 hit can deal some damage (and if you want some real shenanigans you can take 3 in a non-RoW list to fill your HQ slots and dish out 3D6 hits pre-game. Ouch!) He is more shooty though because of his Specialist Ammunition and would fit better with a Seeker Squad (or equivalent thereof).


Primus Medicae (DAMN YOU SUPPORT OFFICER RULE!!) is solid for boosting survivability against non-ID shooting/CC. Giving FNP to any infantry unit is solid. Just dont challenge with him. Ever.


Forge Lord is solid in CC because of Rad Grenades (but the Moritat Brings that too) and can join any unit (unlike the Moritat) and repair things if needed. He also has a Servo Arm so technically has a Free Power Fist.


Champion is basically a weaker Preator...


A Librarian is a Librarian. He brings Psychic Powers and Force Weapons for ID (useful against Mechanicum Units like Castellax)


3) Sevatar. In this case, its the Preator or Sevatar since they fill the same role: Beatsticks with Master of the Legion. On the one hand, Sevatar brings more to the table than a regular Preator. On the other hand, he only has a 3+/4++ vs a Preator who can have a 2+/4++


Theres no real point in taking both.

@LolSkalatrax: I appreciate the reply, mate. That's kind of what I figured regarding the Moritat, and good to know regarding the Praetor and/or Sevatar question. As far as my reason for kitting out every member of the Raptors squad, well, I figured that even if a few die before they reach their target, this way the survivors will be well-enough armed to inflict enough damage to make up for their loss in numbers.


@Slipstreams: As usual, your feedback was far more thorough than I could have hoped for, and definitely laid out an excellent blueprint for the best way to use each Consul choice, so thank you for taking the time to explain so well. Given the insight you've provided, it sounds like my three best bets at the moment are Chaplain, Moritat, and Praevian.


Using my Consul choice as a starting point, I've knocked together three lists in the hopes of getting some feedback on which makes the most sense. There is obviously a degree of overlap in all three, but that's to be expected at this point. It's the differences I'm most interested in.




+ HQ +


Praetor [Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Void Shield Harness, Master-Crafted Chainfist, Trophies of Judgment, Teleportation Transponder]


Moritat [Power Armour, Jump Pack, Trophies of Judgment, 2x Volkite Serpenta, Melta Bombs]


+ Troops +


Terror Squad [7x Executioners, 5x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod]

· Headsman [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]


Terror Squad [7x Executioners, 5x Boltgun, Flamer, Drop Pod]

· Headsman [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]


Terror Squad [9x Executioners, 2x Heavy Chainblade, 6x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod]

· Headsman [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


+ Elites +


Contemptor Dreadnought [Chainfist w/ Graviton Gun, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, Extra Armour]


Apothecary [Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner]


Destroyer Squad [5x Legion Destroyers, Jump Packs, Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles Only]

· Destroyer Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist, 2x Phosphex Bombs]


Atramentar [7x Cataphractii Terminators, 1x Chainfist, 1x Lightning Claw, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, 1x Power Fist, 2x Thunderhammer, Plasma Blaster, 4x Volkite Charger, Teleportation Transponder]

· Terminator Sergeant [Nostraman Chainglaive, Volkite Charger]


+ Fast Attack +


Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship [Armoured Ceramite, Single Missile Launcher, Two Twin-linked Lascannons]


Night Raptor Squad [7x Night Raptors, 1x Flamer, 4x Nostraman Chainglaive, Pair of Lightning Claws, 2x Power Weapon]

· Huntmaster [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]


+ Heavy Support +


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought [Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite, Twin-linked Heavy Flamer]






+ HQ +


Praevian [Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Power Fist, Trophies of Judgment]

· Castellax [Darkfire Cannon, Siege Wrecker]

· Castellax [Darkfire Cannon, Siege Wrecker]

· Castellax [Darkfire Cannon, Siege Wrecker]



Praetor [Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Void Shield Harness, Master-Crafted Chainfist, Trophies of Judgment, Teleportation Transponder]

····Master of the Legion [Terror Assault]


+ Troops +


Tactical Squad [14x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]

· Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]

--->Tactical Squad rides in the Storm Eagle Gunship


Terror Squad [7x Executioners, 5x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod]

· Headsman [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]


Terror Squad [7x Executioners, 5x Boltgun, Heavy Chainblade, Drop Pod]

· Headsman [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]


Terror Squad [9x Executioner, 2x Heavy Chainblade, Legion Drop Pod, 6x Volkite Charger]

· Headsman [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


+ Elites +


Contemptor Dreadnought [Chainfist w/ Graviton Gun, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, Extra Armour]


Apothecary [Augury Scanner]


Atramentar [7x Cataphractii Terminators, 1x Chainfist, 1x Lightning Claw, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, 1x Power Fist, 2x Thunderhammer, Plasma Blaster, 4x Volkite Charger, Teleportation Transponder]

· Terminator Sergeant [Nostraman Chainglaive, Volkite Charger]


+ Fast Attack +


Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship [Armoured Ceramite, Twin-linked Multi-melta, Two Twin-linked Lascannons]


+ Heavy Support +


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought [Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite, Twin-linked Heavy Flamer]





+ HQ +


Chaplain [Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Boarding Shield, Jump Pack, Trophies of Judgment]


Praetor [Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Void Shield Harness, Master-Crafted Chainfist, Trophies of Judgment, Teleportation Transponder]


+ Troops +


Terror Squad [7x Executioners, 5x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod]

· Headsman [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]


Terror Squad [7x Executioners, 5x Boltgun, Heavy Chainblade, Drop Pod]

· Headsman [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]


Terror Squad [9x Executioners, 2x Heavy Chainblade, 6x Volkite Charger, Drop Pod]

· Headsman [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


+ Elites +


Contemptor Dreadnought [Chainfist w/ Heavy Flamer, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]


Atramentar [7x Cataphractii Terminators, 1x Chainfist, 1x Lightning Claw, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, 1x Power Fist, 2x Thunderhammer, Plasma Blaster, 4x Volkite Charger, Teleportation Transponder]

· Terminator Sergeant [Nostraman Chainglaive, Volkite Charger]


+ Fast Attack +


Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron [3x Sky Hunters, 1x Multi-Melta]

· Sky Hunter Sergeant [Power Fist]


Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron [6x Sky Hunters, 2x Plasma Cannons]

· Sky Hunter Sergeant [Power Fist]


Night Raptor Squad [14x Night Raptors, 2x Flamers, 4x Nostraman Chainglaive, 1x Pair of Lightning Claws, 3x Power Weapon, 1x Single Lightning Claws]

· Huntmaster [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]


+ Heavy Support +


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought [Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite, Twin-linked Heavy Flamer]



Only thing I have to say is the night raptor squad you might have made them too "Killy" this means that whatever they charge does on the first turn. Now you make think well that's what I want right? You actually don't want that because that means you are standing in front of your opponents weapons for a turn. I would say throw away the power weapons they don't really do anything the chainglaives aren't already doing and don't add as much. And you don't have to sweat very much if you have lost combat as much as a regular squad because you have the chaplain. Just my two pennies otherwise I like the list. Can't wait to see it in action!
  • 1 month later...

After some play testing, I've made a few changes and just wanted to share the list as it stands right now. I'm pretty pleased with it, as far as Terror Assault goes, though down the road I may switch Rites to Pride of the Legion as I love terminators and that lone Heavy Support slot is a tough limitation to work with, at least for me. Any further critique or feedback, as always, is appreciated. Thanks!


+++ Pre-Heresy Night Lords (3000pts) +++


+ HQ +


Chaplain: [Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Boarding Shield, Jump Pack, Trophies of Judgment]


Praetor: [Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Void Shield Harness, Master-Crafted Chainfist, Trophies of Judgment, Teleportation Transponder]


+ Troops +


Terror Squad: 8x Executioners [5x Volkite Chargers, 1x Flamer, 2x Heavy Chainblades, Drop Pod]

· Headsman: [Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Hand Flamer]


Terror Squad: 8x Executioners [5x Boltguns, 1x Flamer, 2x Heavy Chainblades, Drop Pod]

· Headsman: [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]


Terror Squad: 8x Executioners [5x Boltguns, 1x Flamer, 2x Heavy Chainblades, Drop Pod]

· Headsman: [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]


+ Elites +


Contemptor Dreadnought: [Chainfist, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, Extra Armour]


Apothecarion Detachment:

· Legion Apothecary: [Artificer Armour]

· Legion Apothecary: [Artificer Armour]

· Legion Apothecary: [Artificer Armour]


9x Cataphractii Terminators: 1x Chainfist, 1x Thunderhammer, 2x Power Fists, 3x Power Axes, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, 1x Heavy Flamer, 1x Plasma Blaster, Teleportation Transponder

· Sergeant: [Nostraman Chainglaive]


+ Fast Attack +


Legion Javelin Attack Speeder: [Twin-linked Lascannon]


6x Jetbikes: 2x Plasma Cannons

· Sergeant: [Power Fist]


Night Raptor Squad: 9x Night Raptors [4x Nostraman Chainglaives, 1x Pair of Lightning Claws, 1x Plasma gun]

· Huntmaster: [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]


+ Heavy Support +


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: [Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite]

I've been looking at starting a Night Lords list myself. Will run Sevatar and some Terminators initially with Pride of the Legion, but eventually build towards Terror Assault.


As for my one Consul, I'm liking the idea of a ML2 Librarian to supplement Sevatar's low-level psyker abilities. Having max 2 dice on Precognition won't always work, and your opponent throwing all his dice into a DtW in a critical combat could lessen Sev's ability. With an average of 6.5 Warp Charge dice, you will get powers off much better!

  I like your thinking, Caillum. As I said I think I'll ultimately end up running Pride of the Legion more often down the road, but Terror Assault is fluffy and fun and challenges me as a player to work around its limitations, i.e. playing a game I've come to call "dice gods please protect my Deredeo" lol.


  I've yet to try Sevatar myself, but that's just because I wanted to create my own praetor and prefer having my HQ in terminator armor. I've yet to hear anything negative about him, and by all accounts he is a beast in challenges, which obviously is critical given the 'Seeds of Dissent' rule.


  How are you planning on running your Librarian? I'd favor giving him Terminator armor or putting him on a Jetbike, but that's just me :).

Just my 2 pence on this - I'd change up the load out on the Terror Squads. I'd give one of them, full volkites to begin with because they're crazy, especially from a podding perspective. I'd ditch flamers/heavychainswords and give the other headsman a chainglaive and all of them melta bombs. I'd give the boltguns on one squad to the other and run the third as a purely melee unit - 4 attacks on the charge with preferred enemy infantry and +1 to wound for outnumbering makes for a great deal of attacks.


As for the rest, I'd try and maximise what anti tank you can - there's precious little of it here, trust me I made the same mistakes as well. Give the jetbikes melta bombs, swap the heavy flamer on the terminators with a reaper or another blastgun and get a couple more chainfists in there (armourbane is your best friend in the days of armoured ceramite)


The Night Raptors are pretty good, but I'd swap out the Plasma gun and maybe drop a chainglaive - they'll have a high number of attacks with +1 to wound as it is so anything more than a couple of them is overkill


Librarians are good choices for Terror Assault because they buff the big hitters nicely and there's plenty of powers that would be very useful -biomancy/divination/telepathy are pretty strong and the right telekinesis ones can be game changing. The real value of a librarian though is when Sevatar is around for to potentially bump up the psychic power pool. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for the feedback, Balthamal. I really appreciate the insight in to the list's Achilles heel at the moment, and even more so how to fix it. As you can tell from my Praetor's choice of weaponry, I am only too happy to add a few more chainfists to my list devil.gif. The tweaks to the Jetbikes and the Night Raptors aren't a hard sell either, though I'm torn between keeping the Chaplain or switching over to the Librarian - I'll have to give both a try at some point anyway. You've piqued my interest with the Terror Squads though - how does this list look?

+ HQ +

Librarian: [Artificer Armour, Psychic Mastery (Level 2), Thunder Hammer, Boarding Shield, Jump Pack, Trophies of Judgment]

Praetor: [Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Void Shield Harness, Chainfist, Trophies of Judgment, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Teleportation Transponder]

+ Troops +

Terror Squad: [8x Executioners, 7x Heavy Chainblades, 1x Flamer, Drop Pod]

· Headsman: [Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Hand Flamer]

Terror Squad: [8x Executioners, 8x Volkite Chargers, Drop Pod]

· Headsman: [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]

Terror Squad: [9x Executioners, 9x Bolters]

· Headsman: [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Bolter, Melta Bombs]

+ Elites +

Contemptor Dreadnought: [Chainfist, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, Extra Armour]

Terminator Squad: [9x Cataphractii Terminators, 3x Chainfists, 2x Power Fists, 1x Thunder Hammer, 1x Power Axe, 2x Dual Lightning Claws, 1x Plasma Blaster, 1x Reaper Autocannon, Teleportation Transponder]

· Terminator Sergeant: [Nostraman Chainglaive]

Apothecarion Detachment:

· Apothecary: [Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner]

· Apothecary: [Artificer Armour]

+ Fast Attack +

Javelin Attack Speeder: [Twin-linked Lascannon, 2x Hunter-killer Missiles]

Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron: [6x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 2x Plasma Cannons, Melta Bombs]

· Sky Hunter Sergeant: [Power Fist]

Night Raptor Squad: [9x Night Raptors, 3x Nostraman Chainglaives, 1x Dual Lightning Claws]

· Huntmaster: [Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs]

+ Heavy Support +

Deredeo Dreadnought: [Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite]


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