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Raphens death company


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Mind if I ask a potentially dumb question in regards to the Raphen's Death Company?


If so let me know and I'll have the mods delete my post.


My question is can I use Raphen and Company along with Cassor the Damned to fulfill my troops slot in a Baal Strike Force and would they benefit from the +1 Init?


Sorry still new to using Datasheets and all the multiple CAD's etc.


My idea is a Jumper heavy list and Raphen's Squad plus Cassor seems the best use of fulfilling the troop slot without being out of place even though they are highly expensive.


Once again sorry if I hijacked too much for you.


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My question is can I use Raphen and Company along with Cassor the Damned to fulfill my troops slot in a Baal Strike Force and would they benefit from the +1 Init?



Yes you can and yes they will.


Each entry like Raphen's company and Cassor are called Dataslates. This is analogous to a unit entry. Your force can contain any number of Dataslates/Units and you receive your formation benefit if you meet the minimum unit/dataslate criteria specified. So with Cassor and Raphen, you would fill your 2 troop requirement for a BSF. All units within the formation receive the +1 initiative bonus.

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I've done the math on using them to fufill

the troop slots of BSF or CAD. It ain't pretty, they just soak up too many points that are better off being used for elites. My advise is take one only. FC infiltrated scouts or x2 5 man tacs plus HF are way more cost efficent.


Raphs squad seem MC hunters, very expensive and at 5 bodies not duriable enough imo. Cassor has merit IF your running a sag Libby but raises the question of delivery e.g FA slot on a DP? Hell no and with x2 asm meltapods (WHY aren't you running these guys, seriously?), you'd be bett er off using the FA slot left on grav bikers. I want to include these guys as they have merrit but just can't.

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Thanks for all the answers and help guys. I understand how inefficient and expensive it is but I have a twitch every time I think of running a Jumpers list with snipers. My plan is a Captain (this tells you how competitive I really plan on being, however I don't want to lose all the time either) a Sang Priest. Captain goes in a large unit of either Sang Guard or will join an Assault Squad fully maxed out. A Sang Priest will def go with the Sang Guard to add the FNP and +1 WS to a already great unit. One large 10 man or greater DC squad with Packs one or two PF's and some PW's and a Melta Pistol or three for Anti Tank just in case. Add Lemartes to the DC because I can. Sang Guard pretty much the same on loadout.


Next two full Assault Squads with Meltaguns for fun. One Drop Pod for Cassor the Damned and then Raphen's Boys to fulfill the other troop slot. Leftover points will be either more toys per squad or another Sang/DC squad depending on how squirrely I'm feeling.


Obviously a full assault list with no long range shooting. I will play with Dante as I recognize his strengths but I want to be able to play with minimum characters (Lemartes is too much of a Bad Man to leave out). I figure for Malestrom Missions (my game store seems to love these) I will have a fair bit of an advantage in mobility but not super scoring. However using BSF nothing is really super scoring is it?


Anyone else have suggestions for a majority Jump Pack theme?


Thanks for all the help and letting me high jack Dbourg.

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My plan is simple. I want all death company. 2 chaplains with Jp. 3 min units of camo sniper scouts. Raphens squad. Then 6 squads of DC. 5 Dc with JP and 1 pf in each squad all with bolters. This is my vision for 1500 pts. Maelstrom I'm good other than that my army came to die anyway so it's all good.
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Disciple of Caliban Sgt I have a similar twitch when thinking of scouts with a jumper list. I'm actually thinking of putting your idea to the test in a tournament I have coming up in May. I may get horribly slaughtered but I bet I'll have fun and who knows maybe surprise some people? I am totally new to this scene and don't know the local meta so I'll probably place very poorly anyway. Might as well do something cool and fun while losing.


After reading this thread my 1850 pt list I thought of is, basically:



Jump chaplain

Sanguinary Priest

10x DC

7x Sanguinary Guard

Raphen's DC

Cassie the Damned

7x ASM with meta guns

7x ASM with melta guns

Stormraven (carries Cassor into combat)

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Nicodemus it looks fairly good to me. I would try and get the ASM to a full 10 man. What is the Jump Chappy for and who is he going with? I'm not sure he needs to go with the DC as they are a major blender anyway and they probably will wipe anything they run into.


Anyway I'm not a great judge of massive competition lists so good luck with that. The only reason I think 10 for the ASM is they aren't as good at hand to hand and the extra bodies would help. I'm not a fan of a Libby but I suppose he could help a bunch especially with Primaris for Blood angels powers. Anyway just a thought. I have no idea what you would cut for the points though.


Good luck with your tourney and let me know how you do because I haven't gotten to play with the new codex and my guys. I just moved and mine are still boxed up. Blood for the................wait wrong one For Sanguinus!

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I was thinking the chaplain with Raphen to add a body and make them a little more killy.


I hear what you're saying about the ASM but I like 7 since that keeps my options open for deep striking. 7 gives you a perfect single circle around the central model with the 32mm bases. 10 would be harder to DS. We'll see how it goes. I've never played BA ever.

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If you like the jump chappy and can fit him look at Lemartes. He turns into quite the monster after one wound is gone. Not sure what you're thoughts on Libby's are (I'm not a huge fan but I've used them a bit) but one of those might do you better. Also as a thought have you looked at Astorath the Grim? Add him to your DC and suddenly nothing will live..............and your opponents will hate you forever. Ok maybe not all that but he's a bad man added to DC now. I do see what you are saying about a Chappy with Raphen and Company not sure what to add to them though. Priest wouldn't be worth it honestly. Maybe a libby would do it or a Generic Captain? Not sure someone else might have a better idea.

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I definitely thought about Astorath. I'm a bit limited by my model collection and that of the generous benefactor who is lending me models to fill-out my list for the tournament. Neither of us has Astorath or an appropriately bad-ass looking chaplain with an axe. No librarians either! We don't have Lemartes either, although that is probably more easily remedied. Might be fun. I'm not too concerned about fine-tuning at this point since I'm sure the list is far from optimal in any event. Seems to me that since I'm using him to beef up Raphen's 5-model squad, I might prefer the 3-wound chaplain.

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