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Mutilators: A discussion and Analysis

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I use two Mutilators to fill my mandatory elite slots in The Purge formation. For 5 points more than the cultist tax in a normal detachment, you get a tough unit that can deep strike on to an objective or near a back line. That's actually very reasonable - it's a small price to pay for the chance to get some chainfists near that bastion holding 300 points of nasty shooting units inside, or those vehicles hiding in the corner. You can also have them go after squads hiding on backfield objectives (double mauls hooray). If you have a small bit of extra points in your list to spare, you can also give them both Mark of Nurgle. And in worst case, you can always throw them at MCs or Knights.

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Muties could be nice if they had 3A base and up to 10 models.


But the problem is that they simply took Oblits and gave them CCW instead or rangee weapons, without making them better for CC while oblits are good for shooting.


The concepte is nice a Mutated beast like walking tank that shred things in cc in a gory feast, but the problem is that they stayed on the Oblits thingn something heavy and slow.


it should have been something completly different, more akin to Spawns with an armor and the weapon morphing rule.

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Muties could be nice if they had 3A base and up to 10 models.


But the problem is that they simply took Oblits and gave them CCW instead or rangee weapons, without making them better for CC while oblits are good for shooting.


The concepte is nice a Mutated beast like walking tank that shred things in cc in a gory feast, but the problem is that they stayed on the Oblits thingn something heavy and slow.


it should have been something completly different, more akin to Spawns with an armor and the weapon morphing rule.


yeah exactly, one of the reasons i don't like them they aren't mobile enough compared to cheaper, better options. just seem odd to me.

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