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Iron Resolve. (4th Legion Loyalists)

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After some thought and some encouragement from others I have decided to try writing more, again I profess I am not a great writer, so please point me where I might be going wrong.


I give you the start of my Loyalist Iron Warriors Story.




The bridge was in silence the dead Word Bearer Chaplain lay behind the figure as he stood in front of the viewport, his power axe dripped with blood forming a pool on the deck. How did it come to this he wondered, what would make his Father turn his back on the Imperium? Of course he knew that answer, the 4th Legion or Iron Warriors were forever paying in blood for the honours of other Legions they fought beside.


And how we bled, but that still does not give us reason to turn traitor, after the culling of our Legion by Perturabo then punishment for my crime I have little love for my Father, he threw us into each meat-grinder our losses were deemed acceptable, my crime? I questioned the losses. I remember Forrix the Legions 1st Captain he tried to stop me questioning our Father, he warned me it would not go well. But I had to say something for that I was given garrison duty on some backward world my whole Grand Battalion suffered for my hubris in questioning my Father.


“Master Warsmith Bahram the Word Bearer ship is hailing us” said Lieutenant Ravel


Snapped out of his reverie Bahram turned round, “Weapons control, slave all main batteries, target their engines and fire, power up the Plasma Projectors, fire as soon as power is routed.”


“Centurion Parviz get your Beachers ready for hand to hand combat, I cannot see the frigate proving much of a threat to our Battle Barge but I will not leave anything to chance” said Bahram.


“As you command Warsmith.” was the reply from Parviz.


As Parviz was about to leave Bahram asked one simple question... “Are we wrong?”


Parviz stopped “Warsmith, our Father exiled us all, and regardless of our Legions history my loyalty is to Terra.” He continued to walk off the gloom of the ship seemed to swallow the Centurion as he moved further from the bridge.


“Plasma Projectors online and firing Warsmith.” Ensign Duert announced. “Direct hit on their engines they are going nowhere my Lord.”


Bahram tapped into his private communicator with Parviz.


“Parviz, take fifty of your best and board the Traitors ship, no prisoners, execute all survivors.”


“As you command Warsmith. We will not fail.”

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