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Is Astorath wearing a mask?


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This is bugging me for some time now and I thought I'd share it with you guys.

Even though there are some tubes sticking out of his face, this is not what made me think that he may be wearing a mask.

I think its his mouth. I cannot tell if it a grill inside his mouth or just mismoulded teeth.




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I think that is his actual face. 5th edition artwork depicts him without a helmet and rather serene expression. Plus the hair. 


I still think he is one of the worst models out there. You can put an eight pointed star on his belt instead of a blood drop/wings and you have a very convincing chaos lord. He doesn't even look like a chaplain.

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I don't know... there is also this artwork in the previous codex (pg 23) of a mask that is almost the same as his face. As for the hair, I said a mask not a helmet. ;)

The model itself looks like it was meant for a Mephiston resculpt, but something happened and changed their minds.

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I always thought it was a mask -  it's how I painted mine up anyway (like a kabuki style death mask)



I don't think it is a mouth full of fangs as the grill is too deep set, and there is a top & bottom row of teeth clearly visible. 

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I always assumed it was his face, but I much prefer the mask idea. In fact I like deathmasks in general as a feature of the BA and I wish they were a general wargear option so someone other than Sanguinary Guard or Dante could have one.


Well the crown angelic is more or less a death mask. Quite cheap too. It's a shame that most units that you want to utilize it against are immune to fear. 

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I didn't think about it this way, but the mask is a great idea! I also really hate it when Blood Angels receive fangs and start looking like vampires.. we are the Adeptus Astartes, not some stupid bloodsucking fantasy monsters!


Actually, Blood Angels started out much closer to the latter than the former.  They really were gonna just be space vampires, but they dodged the bullet as 40k's fluff solidified :D


Anyway, I always thought the valve-tube thingies in the side of his face were a dead giveaway that he was wearing a mask.  Not to say that Marines don't get face-tubed a lot, but simply that it isn't sculpted in a way that resembles flesh.

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Yup, love that piece.  That one's still in my top 20 or so Warhammer artworks of all time list :tu:


Aside from the fangs, what disappoints me is how the Angel faces themselves have turned more Vampire-y in this latest release.  The noses and ears, in particular.  Fangs are one thing (well, two things) but the Angels need to remain the pretty-boys of the Astartes.


But Astorath was before that recent artistic alteration, so not a problem with him specifically.  


Now, are those his real nipples, or armor? :teehee:

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There is a section in his ebook that I would say suggests he does not wear a mask, but it is still open to interpretation.



I touch a hand to my jaw, feeling the distended canines beneath my gnarled lips. I have not looked upon myself in almost a century, yet I know that my skin is ghoulish white, and that my eyes are pinpricks of blackness.


The fact that he touches his jaw and can feel his teeth beneath his skin suggests there is no mask.  However, admitting that he hasn't seen his own face in almost a century could suggest that he does wear a mask.

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There is a section in his ebook that I would say suggests he does not wear a mask, but it is still open to interpretation.



I touch a hand to my jaw, feeling the distended canines beneath my gnarled lips. I have not looked upon myself in almost a century, yet I know that my skin is ghoulish white, and that my eyes are pinpricks of blackness.


The fact that he touches his jaw and can feel his teeth beneath his skin suggests there is no mask.  However, admitting that he hasn't seen his own face in almost a century could suggest that he does wear a mask.


It is more likely that he doesn't see his reflection all that much. And the description is quite clearly about his own face. Death masks always depict sanguinius so him having some random mask wouldn't make sense and as a chaplain if he did have a helmet it would be a skull helmet. 




This is clearly his own face.

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There is a section in his ebook that I would say suggests he does not wear a mask, but it is still open to interpretation.



I touch a hand to my jaw, feeling the distended canines beneath my gnarled lips. I have not looked upon myself in almost a century, yet I know that my skin is ghoulish white, and that my eyes are pinpricks of blackness.


The fact that he touches his jaw and can feel his teeth beneath his skin suggests there is no mask.  However, admitting that he hasn't seen his own face in almost a century could suggest that he does wear a mask.


It is more likely that he doesn't see his reflection all that much. And the description is quite clearly about his own face. Death masks always depict sanguinius so him having some random mask wouldn't make sense and as a chaplain if he did have a helmet it would be a skull helmet. 




This is clearly his own face.



Only the Death Mask of Sanguinius depicts Sanguinius, all other Death Masks take on the visage of their former owner.  I think Astorath doesn't wear a mask, I was just pointing out that that passage I quoted is hardly conclusive.

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I'd have to go with "it's a mask", but since the last dearth of BA named characters heavily drew from the WH:FB 7th edition Vampire Counts releases, it's hard to say.  Maybe the "grill" was meant to be some kind of damage to his throat?  Perhaps a speaker to amplify his voice when pronouncing the names of the executed Lost?

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Also, check out the picture of Astorath in the new codex (p. 99 of the iBooks version). That picture you can see the grille inside his mouth even better, plus the face is now a blue-grey colour which suggests more a mask than just a really pallid complexion. The blacked-out eye sockets suggest mask to me as well unless he's supposed to have completely black eyeballs (but why?).

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This is bugging me for some time now and I thought I'd share it with you guys.

Even though there are some tubes sticking out of his face, this is not what made me think that he may be wearing a mask.

I think its his mouth. I cannot tell if it a grill inside his mouth or just mismoulded teeth.




At first I thought this would just be reading into it too much, but now I'm pretty sure you're right, the face does work a lot better as a mask. Huh.

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