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Dark Mechanicus army anyone?

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So with Adeptus Mechanicus Codex dropping soon, I was wondering is anyone thinking of putting a Dark Mechanicus army together?


Hopefully the option to ally with CSM will be available if not Unbound ahoy.


So the idea to field an official 40k AM force and then chuck in Warpsmiths, Defilers, Maulerfiends and Forgefiends. Appeal to anyone?

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Tempting indeed, especially since I have a soft spot for the Mechanicus in general, but my condition is a legit "Battle Brothers" with Chaos, simple as that. I like a lot this "imperial" releases but much like with the Imperial Knight I am guarded since I have zero interest to field count as armies, either is a legit BB alliance or nothing, I dislike shenanigans. 


I agree that the inspiration is kicking in when I look at the pictures of the Vanguard and the new walkers yet if only there would be an option, an upgrade kit to make them chaos, that would be awesome. So much lost potential with this releases. My problem is that since the advent of the Dark Vengeance set we are in for a look remake of Chaos, a more organic feel to it, a more "elaborate" feel to it, a more "gory" feel to it (think the new Nugle/Khorne models) so any other army, unless a great job of conversion is done (a thing I most dislike), everything appears so off the scale and theme that it is eye biting and ... wrong. My opinion of course, I have clear aesthetic tastes which could be summed up "straight from the box" but personalized with painting. 


I like the new Mechanicus models, I especially like their strange and properly steampunk weapons, their ornate and mechanical chest armor and their mechanical limbs, lower and upper. I like the hoods and the gizmos on the model, the loose cables, the evocative visors, yet it is a clear Imperial release, which has little to nothing with Chaos, sadly. As I have said, I would pay, willingly, for official conversion kit and Chaos rules for the imperial models like the Skitarri and the Imperial Knight, alas GW once again favors the loyalist side and forces down our throats books and releases which are far from beneficial to our faction, Chaos in all its glory.


Long story short, yes I am very much tempted by the Adeptus Mechanicus, the problem is that I play Chaos and I DEMAND Chaos looking models or at least upgrade kits for existing models, and working rules of course. 

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I have to agree with Tenebris on this one. While I love converting, this is absolutely no support to chaos in any way. Now if they turned around and said "here is a book for all your chaos knights/darkmech/etc" and turned around and sold an upgrade pack to convert them to chaos straight from the box as they do already with most of our tanks that would be completely different story.....


But its not.


Once again GW is just focusing on the loyalists and throwing Chaos scraps. This isn't me complaining by any means, its just an acceptance of what GW thinks of Chaos and has thought of Chaos for a long time now. I love the hobby and will continue playing it, but once again, just another blip on a radar that doesn't matter little.

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i want to do a pre-chaos dark mechanicum army, the Legio Fureans with support from Incaladion (Legio Cybernetica, Skitarii, Knights) during the early years of the HH. Dark Mechanicum in spirit, but still with "loyalist" models so far :p

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Like Knights, I see no reason why this can't work superbly in tandem with us. Appreciate the constraints as listed above, but I'll definitely be creating an army out of them and using them interchangeably in future I should think.

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So with Adeptus Mechanicus Codex dropping soon, I was wondering is anyone thinking of putting a Dark Mechanicus army together?


Hopefully the option to ally with CSM will be available if not Unbound ahoy.


So the idea to field an official 40k AM force and then chuck in Warpsmiths, Defilers, Maulerfiends and Forgefiends. Appeal to anyone?


Yes I'll be adding a Dark Mechanicus force to my Iron Warriors.  There cool models & I'm looking forward to getting my White Dwarf tomorrow find out a little bit more.

I will also be check out the Dark Eldar range of models see what part I can use from them.  Thinking Wracks & Talon could be very helpful for converting Dark Mechanicus models

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I am going to say no because, we will probably not be battle brothers, and I really hate the looks of the models(I love 30k mechaninus and knights).  If the rules are good, then I will be using them with my salamanders with 30k miniatures. 

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At some point I'll probably making a Dark Mechanicus force, probably about 6-7 months down the line I'd imagine. I'll wait to see what gets released before committing. I like to watch my wallet weep as it sees it's impending beating. 

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I hate to be cynical, but if it's good we won't get it without unbound.  Our faction has had more supplements, dataslates and codices released for it than any other-and we STILL are playing with one hand and a foot behind our backs.


The newest one finally gives us proper "Battlebrothers" with Khorne Daemons, but doesn't really seem to offer much.


40k is NOT a balanced and competitive game where all factions have advantages and disadvantages that balance out in the end, and it never will be.  I gave up that ghost a long time ago.


But when I try and play a fluffy khornate army, I'm stuck with the fact that I'm paying a lot of points so I'm going to have less guys on deck than my opponent...and the guys I'm going to have aren't going to be Tau Crisis suits with two Missile Pods.


I don't want to go off on a rant here, but if you want to play the "Marines" In chaos marines, you are Going to have a bad time going up against Xenos, and some Loyalist lists.  What's laughable is the fact that GeeDub Can't Not Know what it is that most people want:  Cult Terminators, HQs, Raptors and such, to have a reason to want to get into a challenge instead of having the Black Templar's army rule with little to no benefit.  Thank goodness they screwed up in 7th edition with the Challenges, because in 6th I hated coming up against Eldar with Wraith Knights and the Avatar, because it meant that I was going to get Chump Blocked and all my s5 attacks were going up in smoke-I was paying a premium of points for beserkers and they weren't getting to do anything by chuck krak grenades.

Am I going to make a Dark Mechanicus army?  No sir, I am not.  i would like them to make Chaos not suck so much.


Chaos isn't the Archenemy-just look at their rules-look at their models.  They are equipped with dirty,  belt fed bolters that are just as likely to kill them as their enemies, like something an Ork would pull out of his hooptie and shoot into the air sideways.  I'm shocked they didn't make our bolters have Gets Hot.

They all lost 10,000 years ago, and ran into hell to hide out-because in a straight up fight, the Imperium of Man would finish what it started at Terra, and cross a few more Legions off the list.

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Depending on what comes for the real codex (not the Skittari supplement) I may make a standalone force of dark mechnicus.  It suits my theme fine and I like the steampunk style.  I'm actually pretty excited for this release.


Not unlike most of you, I've given up on C:CSM and have been more interested in the R&H list.  Therefore I can at least use my models as allied guard if needed =\.  Its a shame BB with chaos is not happening. 


As much as I hate myself for saying it, a day 1 DLC for this would be great.  Two pages of rules in a dataslate-supplement could make this a chaos army.  1 page changing the allies chart giving an alternate evil HQ.  Second page given covenants like the R&H.  Nurgle can add blight drones and improved rad weapons. Slaanesh gets fleet and sonic weapons. etc etc etc.  Would be beyond easy....  But thats just me wishlisting.

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I really wish people would stop complaining about the chaos codex even for me itd starting to get tedious


Your new here, you will get use to it. Its a long war after all.

Yea, it's been pretty nonstop since the Gavdex arrived on wings of mediocrity during 4th. On adding Dark Mechanicus to my army... Eh, maybe depends on if I see any chaosy third party bits that will mesh up with the new releases.
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This may or may not mean anything, but White Dwarf mentions that the Skitarii will fight alongside Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, and Astra Militarum but they aren't exactly bosom buddies.


I just wouldn't expect Chaos to be anything other than comes the apocalypse with AdMech. Maybe they'll surprise us with desperate allies or something.

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Was looking at ways to build and put Dark Mech into play for a while now.... Probably take the leap.... Worst case scenario? They play as lackluster as my Word Bearer's seem to end up doing.... It's only up from that point!

It's brutally frustrating to be able to crack open the wolves 'dex and come up with 3 equally effective, yet different, lists in 30 mins, and yet struggle for weeks to find a CSM one....

So yeah, I'll give DM a go.....especially with the above pics and models for inspiration!



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After 10,000 years of divergence, I wouldn't want Dark Mechanicus to look or operate anything like the 40k era Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus. As such, no, I don't think I'd want to use the imperial book to represent its chaos incarnation, any more than I'd want to use the loyalist SM book to represent 40k era chaos marines.


I mean, if we're going that way, we might as well do the 30k thing, drop the chaos codeces entirely, and just have everyone use the loyalist books for any chaos units.

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Good point that is the Codex I expect them to have Battle Brothers with.

It does feel like GW are missing a trick by not including two sets of Gear for AM and IK to allow them to ally with both sides but also feel a little different with no more than the choice of a Chaos upgrade kit.

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After 10,000 years of divergence, I wouldn't want Dark Mechanicus to look or operate anything like the 40k era Imperial Adeptus Mechanicus. As such, no, I don't think I'd want to use the imperial book to represent its chaos incarnation, any more than I'd want to use the loyalist SM book to represent 40k era chaos marines.


I mean, if we're going that way, we might as well do the 30k thing, drop the chaos codeces entirely, and just have everyone use the loyalist books for any chaos units.

Whilst the mairnes would be like that, whats not to say a chaos lord who despaired of the laxity of his chaotic brethren, or one who had sided against terra only reluctantly, would insist on organising and equipping his serfs/traitor guard/mechanicus allies as from his pre traitor days? Or a Thousand son sorcerer who preserves his mechanicus and guard allies as a way to recapture or preserve an element of Prospero lost?

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