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Dark Mechanicus army anyone?

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From what I can gather on the new mech book so far, it will be designed to kill marines mainly chaos so there will be little chance of chaos getting acess to the shiny Stuff. Hopefully FW comes to our aid as the they seem pretty generous to chaos so could do so dark mech army but then again unless it's for Horus Heresy I doubt it as they seem to be solely fixated on that. Besides I would prefer that GW worried about fixing chaos as a whole than releasing any pale imitation of an imperial army which is always worse than the loyalists.
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I really wish people would stop complaining about the chaos codex even for me itd starting to get tedious

Your new here, you will get use to it. Its a long war after all.

No im not new lol ive been a chaos player since i started 40k in 2010 but im just sick of seeing people complain about the codex its gotten old :p i personally think the codex is fine ive managed to even make s couple of the "terrible" units work semi reliably lol

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