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Design A Kit: Chaos Cultists

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So, I'm pretty sure that none of us here are model designers. However! I wanted to ask the community what they would like to see in a Chaos Cultists multi-part plastic kit. Do you place emphasis on representing all the options? How similar do you make them to the Dark Vengeance cultists? Does their design recall Imperial Guard? How compatible do you make them with other kits? Would you represent the different marks they can take on the models themselves? 


Obviously, when making suggestions, keep the normal size of these boxes in mind. This isn't wishlisting so much as making decisions of what you would fit into an IG-sized box. Be sure to mention cool ideas for bits and bobs you might have, since we all love little details like that! 

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Personally, I would love to see all weapon options, preferably. The design should maybe be something along the lines of FW vraksian renegade upgrade kit or a look of hive dwelling citizens. As far as representation of the mark, I think the unit should be generally a Chaos undivided themed with maybe a small upgrade for the squad sergeant for each of the gods. Chaos has enough bits to allow players to convert them on their own. The box should probably be a 10 man squad, although considering kits like the fantasy zombies or clan rats and 20 man squad could work.

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Given the sheer numbers of cultists it is plausible to field I think that permutations is the key to this theoretical kit. If you look at the variety potential of a kit like the fantasy forsaken then you are off to a good start. You can even make the kits incompatible with anything else! I mean you'd be looking at boxes of fifteen figures I reckon. You could have them grouped in fives in three overt themes, but with enough similarities that you could still mixt them up a bit, so a combo of robes, fatigues, industrial work wear, bare torsos (variously scrawny and buff) gas masked heads, hoods, cowls etc, then sprikle a few mutation options though as well, leave the details largely integral as it's not worth the hassle of sticking fiddly bits onto cultists, but scatter the odd titbit that could be utilised in a variety of ways, put fifteen sets of pistol/close combat and fisteen autogun arms (again plus champion and squad options) and a few icons.


That should allow you to build a fanatic ritual cult, depraved human chattel driven onwards at gun point and traitor military either PDF or imperial guard. Or a combination, I fear that it might end up rather expensive per point.

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I mixed them with FW Renegade bodies, IG bits, just conversions (adding bits from my bits box), adding cloaks/hoods with green stuff. The GW clam models are actually really easy to modify and look a little more unique. I'd like to see 10 models with auto pistols/guns & a real mix of options/looks. I'd really like one guy with a big pointy coven head/mask & one with a big, fat, naked belly, like the iconic artwork too.
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I can honestly say I don't really want GW to make another cultist type box. Why you wonder? What magical drug am I taking? Well that's none of your business but anyways...


For each army I could envision a different type of cultist and because of that I like having the freedom of going through the GW lineup (or any model line up really) and picking and choosing parts to make them unique.

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Now I'm a novice to the hobby, but so far cultist models have been the only models I didn't enjoy painting and modeling. Part of it was because I felt cheated getting two pistols and ccw in a box of five, and part of it was the lack of easily customizable poses in comparison with a box of CSM. There is also the lack of sense of unity in the squad, some cultist have gas masks and others don't, some have heavy duty winter coats and others are shirtless. Maybe this is good for some people, but I would prefer the option for a more unified cult.


Now I love fielding cultist on the table. It is very useful having a cheap squad trying to stay alive and snatch a few vp from stealing objectives, and if they fail and are horribly slaughtered, well I didn't like them that much to begin with.


My thought for fixing the cultist would be to follow the AM infantry and do a couple of different types, like Cadians, Catachans, Krieg, etc... They seem to be a popular unit amongst most chaos players and some field quite large numbers of them, so maybe this might make sense from a business perspective.

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Like any one else;

-CCW& pistols hands and rifles hands.

-special weapons

-possibility to switch the heads, torsos, arms, legs of each models, make 3-5 of each different and let the players do the rest to make each of them unique and still have sone uniformity as a squad.

-Somethign between the FW ones and the DV ones in term of looks.

-3-4 different Heads and shoulder pads for Champions.


i don't think that a bit wich represent the Marks are needed, juste the themed heads do the trick, since Marks can be on the skin like a scar or tatoo, or even more personal or intimate or non visible( like on their "soul").

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First the rules for cultists need to be updated to add some options. Then, I want an box with 9 regular cultists and one BIG mutant cultist who is either melee or carrying an absurdly big stubber. The cult leader will have an option for a "motivational whip" and a megaphone (special morale rules for both). maybe a banner option of some kind to enhance their intended role. That's my kit.
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