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Angel's Fury Spearhead or Archangel's Sanguine Wing?

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Hello, fellow brothers!


@ Nicodemus Doloroso: Regarding SG & DC I am currently experimenting with a list that is a mixture (bastard son) of mechanised assault and jump pack lists. The idea is massing tanks (Baal Predators, Predators, Vindicators, Razorbacks etc.), forming a line that is moving forward 12 inches a turn AND shooting (fast vehicles), and jump units (SG, DC with JP) following from behind. In T1 your jump infantry units will be covered by the tanks (blocking line of sight completely - no shooting at all at your pecious infantry lacking invu). At T2 you will be in charge range.

@ Jolemai: I think I also read this thread, but I have no idea where... Mayhaps It was on a different forum...


Captain Obvious

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