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With the new Khorne Daemonkin book out, I'm now torn as to whether to try and integrate the Daemonkin into my current Crimson Slaughter warband as a sub-sect of the Quintos, or whether to go down a completely different route and paint scheme (I'm thinking black with molten rock themes)

Has anyone seen any good, dark looking colour schemes for a Khorne force, or should I try to integrate the force by using the same red and golds that my current warband uses?

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There are some decent red and black schemes in the codex for the Eightscarred and the Wrath. They're very reminiscent of the Flesh Tearers and the Red Corsairs.


Now, if you want, you can put the Daemonkin as a sub-sect, but these guys who highly religious. Like Westboro Baptist Church, ISIS religious. They do NOT like anyone who worships another power besides Khorne.


That said, the Codex does say they will work alongside other warbands, but it either takes someone of great will, or some divine prophecy from Khorne or one of his Bloodthirsters.


For example, part of the Codex background is that Abaddon sent emmisaries to some of the various warbands and all of the emmisaries were returned with their heads missing and the mark of khorne carved into their chests. But, when the 13th Black Crusade, they all received visions of Khorne calling them to battle and they all started heading towards the Eye of Terror.


So a very easy cop out is that your main Chaos Lord makes a deal with a Bloodthirster who allies his Daemonkin warriors with your Quintos, or he makes a deal with the Bloodthirster and the Daemonkin just naturally evolve from the warriors who choose to worship the Bloodthirster and are in charge of helping summon his daemonic troops into battle.

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