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Khârn how to run him

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Hey guys so with my GW order turning up today im wondering how to run the Betrayer i dont own a dread claw or a spartan and my land raider is currently out of action so anyone got any suggestions? I was thinking pf running him with a mob of 30 cultists with some auto guns in there just cause thats how my cultists are armed
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Well, we now have the option to scout him up the field with a unit of Flesh Hounds in a KD allied detachment or Gorepack formation. Sure he'll slow them down, but they are better than Cultists in every way but cost, IMO.

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Im almost tempted by this cultist star


Level 3 sorceror sigil familliar (rolls on santic)

Level 3 sorceror sigil familiar (rolls on santic/telepathy)

35 cultists

So the first sorceror rolls on santic aiming to get gate should he get it the other sorceror rolls on telepathy if not then the 2nd also rolls on santic

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