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Tournament Mini Bat Rep Summary: The Good, The Ugly...

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Played in a tournament on Saturday at Jac Games in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, near Akron. It was largely fun, with a dash of douche bag. 


Here's the list I used: 

Blood Angels Flesh Tearers Detachment 2500 points:





Tactical squad: x5, heavy flamer, combi grav, razorback twin linked heavy flamer

Fast attack:

Assault Squad: x 5 marines, x2 melta, plas pistol (sergeant) Drop Pod Deathwind Launcher

Assault Squad: X5 marines, x2 melta, plas plsitol (sereant) Drop pod deathwind launcher

Assault Squad: x5 marines, x2 flamers, hand flamer (sergeant) drop pod deathwind launcher

Razorbac: Twin linked heavy flamer



Death Company Dreadnought: blood talons, melta, hf, magna grapple

Sanguinary guard: x5, x2 inferno pistol; encarmine axe, power fist; death masks


Heavy Support:

Vindicator: OC, SS, storm bolter 

Vindicator: OC, SS, storm bolter 

Storm Raven Gunship: TLAC, TLMM, sponsoon hurricane bolters


Formation: Blood Rain Strike Force:

Death Company: 6 DC marines, hand flamer, Thunder Hammer (Mephiston rides with these guys)

Vanguard Veterans: (Sergeant) TH SS, x2 pairs of lightning claws, jump packs

Assault squad: (Sergeant) x2 lightning claws, hand flamer, flamer, jump packs

Furioso Dreadnought: Frag cannon, blood fist, heavy flamer

Storm Raven: TLLC, HB



Set up: Each game was on a time limit of 2 hours and 30 minutes. That is crunch time for 250 points. It definitely made it interesting. 

First Game: Win vs. Space Wolves

I largely cleaned this opponent out, but this was based on a lot of dice rolls that were just astatistically horrible for the guy. HOWEVER, he objected to my use of the deathwind launchers from my drop pods after they arrived via deep strike. I couldn't find any clarification quickly so I just let it go. (turns out, you can fire them when they arrive.) I think it was just a mistake on his part. He didn't come off as a douche. 

Lesson learned from this game: DONT CHARGE THUNDERWOLF CAVALRY AND FORGET YOUR PSYCHIC PHASE!!! Only mistake I made in the game, but it turned out alright.


Second Game: Loss vs. Eldar.

The noodle brought a Revenant Titan. Other than that he was cool. At least he was pleasant, and not a total jerk like some other guy at the tournament. Some people are just hopeless jerks. Just before this game started, I thought I was playing another guy. So I introduced myself and put out my hand to shake it. He barely even looked at me and said, "I'm not playing you." That's it. He also had keys to the store... so... MOVING ON.

Lesson Learned: Revenant Titans are insane, don't play against them without titans of your own, people are ridiculous.


Third Game: Win vs. Imperial Guard with Chaos livery and Knight allies

Fun game. Most fun of the day. Mephiston killed a knight with his sanguine sword by himself! Survived the d-blast that resulted, at the end of the game. His storm blade didn't do as much as I thought, but was immensely hard to kill. Had the game gone into turn 6, it would've been dead. 

Lesson Learned: Did you know that Commisar Yarick can kill an entire squad of Sanguinary Guard by himself??? Now you do! 

Like I said this was a fun game.


Interesting numerology: I won the first game 6:1. Lost the second game 6:1. Won the third game 6:1... 

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The Drop Pod change was a tweak from sixth to seventh whereby a vehicle that moves Cruising Speed can still fire one weapon (including Blast weapons) at full BS. A vehicle that enters via Deep Strike is moving at Cruising Speed. To be fair, it was probably an honest mistake and we all make them.


As for Revenant Titans, which weapon did he have? The twin pulsar one is insane while the sonic lance one is equally fun. It's just hitting the thing that is the hard part. "What's that, you've moved half an inch? So after rolling To Hit I have to roll a further 4+ to see if I've hit the Titan or an Eldar Titan Holo Field?" (3+ if stationary, 4+ if they move). I love them.


Oh, and Yarrick rocks. Cheers for the report!

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In fact, having another superheavy vs the revenant is the worst idea. Revenants are the best at kiling elite units, the bigger and nastier , the better. the best way to kill them, is to be a horde army.. and not care about a few large blasts, or.... have a heaps of dop pod meltas[135 for 4 melta shots in a pod, go assault marines!], or at least three storm ravens that can ignore blasts:)

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Mephiston managed to get off the quickening on himself and sanguine sword. He charged the knight at I7 with 8 S10 attacks. He slaughtered that thing. Took out every hull point it had left and then some. Miraculously he survived the D blast that resulted. It won the game. Made the opponent (who was very confident of taking that objective with the knight, a squad in a chimera and the stormblade) wince and think twice about that. Kind of like how I had underestimated Yarrick. 

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