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Corrupted at last !


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You can't have detachments in a n unbound list. While Formations are detachments, they are the explicit exception:

Unlike other Detachments, Formations can also be taken as part of Unbound armies. If they are, their units maintain the special rules gained for being part of the Formation.

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Gods Apostles suck, has anyone used them effectively?

I like to run Apostles in Apoc along with the Covenant of Corruption formation with Plague Ogryn. The Ogryn reroll to hit and wound most things on re-rollable 2+'s... and turn slain enemies into spawn. Outside of apoc I'll sometimes toss one in a squad of Plague Ogryn with a Land Raider for similar (non-spawn making) effect. But yes, consensus of the community is that Apostles are fluffy, but the AP4 weapon hurts there ability to be killy in and of themselves.

They are, however, still inexpensive, and do make great force multipliers for other units like possessed, mutilators, termis, etc

If you're planning on running your army out of the crimson slaughter supplement you can turn your chosen's champion into a mini-apostle and give the whole squad preferred enemy... which is pretty amazing on a squad of plasmagunners

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Man, I've decided to take time to make the army and further study the dark teachings on the C:CSM, I can't decide on what to do, there are so many fun army builds you can go with in a Chaos army...


So far, I'm really digging all the customization options for units to make a themed army ! I was thinking about a foot slogging army to change from my highly mobile, highly mechanized Raven Guard, what kind of builds and units would you recommend to make it effective ?

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For a footslogging army I was thinking that the MoNurgle was a very solid choice :)


I've updated my army list in the 1250 points thread with that new footslogging MoN units supported by walkers, I'd love to get your opinion on it !

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Welcome to the dark side. Milk and cookies are on the left, deamonweapons are on the right.


Based on the many evolving topics of this thread:

1: I dislike the Dark Apostle. It's never helped me too much and they tend to die to quickly.

2: I love the meat shield, I mean Cultists. I currently run a blob of 19 with two heavy stubers, Autoguns and a champ with shotgun.

And an 11 group with flamer, close combat weapons and champ with shotgun.

The blob either objective camps or screens my Chosen. The groups runs ahead of my other squad of Chosen (I run 2 squads of 5 with power weapons)

3: I personally prefer and run mono Tzeench over Nurgle, I find the invulnerable save on everything scares opponents more than increased toughness.

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