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Rules Question Khorne Daemonkin


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So I may have just missed it as I have not literally read everything cover to cover, I just read all the different rule sections and have not seen anything that says that models with Daemon or Khorne or Mark of Khorne cannot join units that have a different mark. Anyone else find it by chance, I cannot imagine they would leave that out as that would be frigging weird :P


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I would encourage you to use the topic already devoted to the Khorne Daemonkin, which you can find here.


To answer your question, Daemon Independent Characters can join CSM units from this codex, and vice versa. Certain battle brothers shenanigans can be had, as well. CSM characters (from this codex or the others) can join units of Khorne Daemonkin because they're Fearless instead of having Daemonic Instability.

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Ahh, guess we are inundated with posts and everything related to one book should be forced into one thread? Comon man, everything cannot go into one thread. Cool your jets on this, I have also seen other posts about stuff for the new Codex and no one is telling them to put it in a thread so it can get lost. 

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I think daemonkin needs its own sub forum. Or at least break down the thread into separate groups: rules questions. Fluff. Tactics. It's a pain looking for answers to rules questions from page one that are buried somewhere in 9 pages of fluff discussions and complaints about what's NOT in the book.
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The thing is, at least from my point of view is if someone has a single question they should not have to read through 10 pages of a random thread that may or may not have what they are looking for. Just seems. . . not good. 


That is my opinion at least and I have been known to be wrong quiet often :P

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I think I had seen that question asked and answered a couple of time in the big threads (rumours and discussion threads) so it clearly didn't work very well!


If we want a single rules thread you need to have an OP updated with questions and answers (or a summary of the discussion if not clear cut). That way you could look at a post and if there's nothing there ask the question. Not sure if that's done for other things.

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