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Dante vs Astorath in 10 DC JP


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I like to run Astorath with 10 DC with Jumpacks with CS/BP and 1-2 Special Weapons.

I looked at Dante and his +2 AP 2 at Iniative is really nice, his additional Tactical WLT  and his Hit and Run with Furious Charge/BSF make him really interesting.

But is loosing the Reroll to Hit and Wound from Astorath really worth it?

Whats your opinion?

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This is pretty subjective, it really depends how you want the unit to play.


Personally, I think *both* characters are somewhat overkill in a DC unit this big. 10 DC can already trample most things, are already have a massive target on their heads. Adding a strong melee character only makes shooting at them a *better* choice.


I prefer Astorath, as he's cheaper and is a pretty good force multiplier (which becomes pretty important once 4-5 DC have died to shooting).


IMO, Dante shines in small units where his solo beatstick potential flies a ltitle under the radar. I think he goes better with 5 Sang Guard or even a small Vang Vet unit/Command Squad with some storm shields. In a squad like this, his hit and run is even more dangerous as it is more likely to be used at the end of your opponent's assault phase. With Dante in 10 DC, 95% of units will get creamed on the charge, making hit and run pretty lacklustre as Dante and Co. will get shot to pieces in the next turn.


So, in conclusion... if you have to pick one: Astorath.

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Like InquistorBlack said, i aslo feel both are somewhat overkill, but if i had to choose i'd rather have Dante as he adds a lot of surviability to the unit. The largest drawback of Astorath is he can't tank str 8 shots. Then again i think Dante fits better with SG or a shooty bike unit since often Dante does enough assault dmg alone to get the job done. 


Astorath is really good if you face a lot of Deathstars though. 

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