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Other Daemonkin

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I think the others will focus mainly on the renegade warbands of the other gods


I think this is probably a reasonable guess. As much as I'd love (and have joked) about Plaguekin, Changekin or Excesskin, I think there will be variants of these Codexes released to satisfy cult players over time. I know lots do not think this will happen, but I'm tending to think that these could be made distinct with relatively few changes, and still form coherent Codexes in their own right. And, ultimately, replace a singular one.

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I think the others will focus mainly on the renegade warbands of the other gods

I think this is probably a reasonable guess. As much as I'd love (and have joked) about Plaguekin, Changekin or Excesskin, I think there will be variants of these Codexes released to satisfy cult players over time. I know lots do not think this will happen, but I'm tending to think that these could be made distinct with relatively few changes, and still form coherent Codexes in their own right. And, ultimately, replace a singular one.

Im lucky in that right now my current list is running no marks :D

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I strongly suspect that we'll see Tzeentch next (did anyone else notice the Blue Horror hint in this weeks WD)?


That list will look to combine a Sorcerer and his 1K Sons bodyguard with bound daemonic servants in a similar fashion, though I'd expect to see some variance in the lists used. Maybe normal Marines won't get forced to take MoT or get a 5++ save in total.

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I am really worried that GW was just trying to churn out a half-assed codex to tie into the End Times and to avoid revamping the badly-aging CSM codex. I've seen a lot of rumors that either say we don't have Tzeentch coming out any time soon, or that the new Tzeentch models and rules will just be rolled into a campaign supplement book or White Dwarf issue.


I would be really, really, really bummed not to see any Tzeentch or Slaanesh full codexes, and especially Nurgle.


The sad thing is, GW has so many projects right now, and seems like they want to skip Chaos to update the other codexes, that I think we will have to wait many months for each wave of Chaos stuff, and years for the Chaos codex.

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as far as the Khorne Daemonkin fluff goes, there aren't other god's "Daemonkins"


Uh what? How? Plenty of cult Chaos Space Marine warbands go to war with hordes of human adherents and throngs of mutants and daemons for the sole purpose of partaking in their god's chosen activity. Well, at least in the case of Slaanesh and Nurgle, this is certainly true, Slaanesh worshipers go to war just to feel and inflict pain, and Nurgleties go to war to spread Nurgles contagions, and they often take vast menageries of various beasties along for the ride.


The codex just says that the same way that the legendary 5th Edition Loyalist codex said that Ultramarines are the "greatest" space marines, as if that can even be an objective fact. It's like saying that Red is the best color, or that orange is loud, it's a meaningless statement. Same thing here, it may say that (I don't know if it does, I don't have the codex) but even if it does, it' s just a juvenile contrivance to make the army seem "special" because there are certainly fanatical followers of other Chaos gods that consort with mutants and daemons and live only to carry out their god's favorite passtime. GW just doesn't have separate books for them because GW's book release and army balance strategy is concocted by an amphetamine addled orangutan.

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I think he means is that while there are equivalent factions, they aren't called the daemonkin. Several times they are collectively referred to as "the" Daemonkin while there is only one or two times they are referred to as Khorne's Daemonkin. Sort of like how only the Possessed of the Word Bearers are called Gal Vorbak.
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3 codices, 2 supplements, two IA books, one starter set and one warzone expansion is actually quite a lot already. I don't expect any further content at all for Nurgle and Slaanesh (best working parts of C:CSM anyway) and Tzeentch not to exeed a campaign expansion - WL traits, equip/artifacts, some formations and a detachment like Necrons/BA got with Shield of Baal (well, let's hope for new psychic powers, too!).   

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If they come, I'm not sure how much it will matter? We know from the KDK book they're not going to fix any problems with marks or cult units or anything, aren't going to add cult terminators, etc. The KDK book mostly just lets you put juggerlords in chaos hounds, but do the other factions have any similar case where you'd really want to put a marine character in a daemon unit or vice versa? I'm not sure they do.


Tzeentch sors might get divination finally, which would be a minor fluff win, but I'm not sure I see much else coming of it, should such books ever appear in the first place.

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3 codices, 2 supplements, two IA books, one starter set and one warzone expansion is actually quite a lot already. I don't expect any further content at all for Nurgle and Slaanesh (best working parts of C:CSM anyway) and Tzeentch not to exeed a campaign expansion - WL traits, equip/artifacts, some formations and a detachment like Necrons/BA got with Shield of Baal (well, let's hope for new psychic powers, too!).   

..... because obviously the poor loyalists have so little in comparison to chaos, I mean with only the 8 (soon 9)codecci, 4 supplements, 2 war zone expansions and almost every ia bar the chaos one, they have so little choice, in both fluffy lists, competitive choices, starterfun choices, and unit options and equipment where as the chaos coddeci a cornucopia of plenty that provide all the options to fully represent all aspects of chaos, with each being decent at what they are supposed to do and have a good chance of taking on most other factions for a fun game.

I'm sorry, but considering the sheer amount of attention lavished onto Loyalist and the half baked rush job of a shipwreck that is the chaos codex, and how we literally only have allies in the shape of daemons, I'd say more coddecci are needed.

I may or may not have made a mechanised list for my thousand sons, and then realised my wolves could do it better, psychics included, and pretty much any other build you could do with the codex, this morning.

i've heard mixed reviews about the daemonkn codex, but at this point anything that helps chaos armies to work in different ways or to at least function closer to how they do in fluff can't be bad thing, even if it does have it's weaknesses.

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Also, except for the fluffy and awesome IA 13 (par for the course for Forgeworld) most of the Chaos books are basically just retreads of the same barely working content. Daemonkin for example, contains literally no unique units, you can ally together CSM and Daemons and make a "Daemonkin" army, it just wouldn't have blood tithes, you can't ally together Space Wolves and Grey Knights and get Blood Angels, you wouldn't have any of the actual unique units, on top of lacking the Black Rage rules and relics.

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So rumors are swirling again about Tzeentch some time within the next 1-3 months. And someone also pointed out that the WD had pointed out about Daemonkhin for other deities.

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So rumors are swirling again about Tzeentch some time within the next 1-3 months. And someone also pointed out that the WD had pointed out about Daemonkhin for other deities.


I don't recall any mention of other gods Daemonkin in White Dwarf, any idea which number it was meant to be in?

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I would be surprised if they didn't do anything like this for the other gods. I would love to have a Tzeentch focused book, the Khorne book is interesting and I have enough models to try a few of the formations. The mechanics seemed just tweaked enough to make it enjoyable and different from standard CSM play.


It would be interesting to see what they do with the rest, and I hope they do something similar with the other gods.

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If they come, I'm not sure how much it will matter? We know from the KDK book they're not going to fix any problems with marks or cult units or anything, aren't going to add cult terminators, etc. The KDK book mostly just lets you put juggerlords in chaos hounds, but do the other factions have any similar case where you'd really want to put a marine character in a daemon unit or vice versa? I'm not sure they do.


Tzeentch sors might get divination finally, which would be a minor fluff win, but I'm not sure I see much else coming of it, should such books ever appear in the first place.


I agree with you about the Khorne book, however if they apply the same logic with the Nurgle or Tzeentch books then a few units become pretty viable (even in a competitive environment).


Possessed/Warp Talons of Tzeentch get 3+/4++/reroll 1s (pretty tough, not great but workable at that point)

Obliterators if included would be 2+/4++/reroll 1s (hawt)

Plague Drones with Lords on Bikes in the same unit (drool)

Sorcerers who are not forced to roll a power on the CSM charts (hope)

Sorcerers of Tzeentch who can roll with Screamer units (guessing Disks of Tzeentch)

Possessed/Warp Talons get Rending if Daemon of Slannesh


Just a few things that would change depending on the Mark/Daemon Of, not saying they are great, but Khorne has the weakest stuff in the Codex unfortunately and having the Mark or Daemon Of Khorne is by far the most useless in the game. All of the other Marks/Daemon Of (especially Tzeentch and Nurgle) would see improvements all around with some possible disgusting combinations (Oblits of Tzeentch are actually scary if they get Daemon Of).

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Possessed/Talons with daemon of tzeentch or Slaanesh do sound potentially interesting. Unfortunately, I don't think oblits are likely in any daemonkin book.


Sadly, MoT is still pretty terrible on most units...


Are plague drones actually better than nurgle spawn? I didn't think they were, but I'll admit I haven't looked in a long while, and didn't look all that hard back then.

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A nurgle one could be interesting could replace fnp with this

Undying will

Everytime a model with this special rule takes a umsaved wound or loses a hull point to a non destroyer weapon roll a D6 on the roll of a 5+ they regain a wound or hull point. If the weapon would cause instant death this roll is at -1.


Then you could have a thing of everytime a nurgle discipline power is cast friendly nurgle models within 6" gain +1 to the roll with a max of 4+


Daemon engines keep IWnD of course

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