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Alternate nurgle color scheme.


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Hi everyone ! 


I've been painting a lot of loyalist for the last 2 years and i have plenty of chaos goodness waiting in boxes. 


I'm getting a bit sick of painting nice and clean armors and want to test my GS skills a bit more, and i love zombies sooo .... NURGLE ! 

While the Death Guard color scheme is nice, i can't seem to find really different scheme exemples. They all seem to be variations of greens/bone/brown. 


I wanted to maybe go for a pale blue or a grey of some sort, and dirty it up with ink or specialist paint .... I really have no real idea on how to achieve an original take on my CSM, while keeping the distinctive Nurgle rot. 


It would be awesome if some of you guys could point to some exemple of different Nurgle schemes or give some painting advice :D  


Cheers ! 


Brother Eurieus

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Well, The Reborn appear Nurgley, and they are brass colored with green discoloration like actual oxidizing bronze. Personally my favorite Nurgle scheme is essentially the original DG scheme but dirty, so off white armor and green trim but beaten up and rotting. It's a lot brighter than the traditional DG scheme, and looks very striking on the table when done right, especially with the awesome Forge World Plague Marines.
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I have plans for a small band of nurgle-corrupted marines that split from a DIY I'm working on. Thes would have originally have been armoured in purple and black, but as their corruption proceeds the colours would be more and more faded and washed out. I've not seen many dark coloured nurgle forces, so I'm interested to see how it pans out.
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Best advice that I can give you is to test your ideas on a few models so that you get a coherent look that you both like and can replicate. If you aren't totally happy, it's far more difficult to motivate yourself and you won't enjoy it half as much.


I would be interested to see what you can come up with!

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Disease can turn people all kinds of funny colours, so treally there's not much keeping you from experimenting with different schemes.

I remember playing as the Chaos Plague Champion in Dawn of War 2 with a Traitor Imperial Fist colour scheme, I used to call him "Icterus the Jaundiced" and his army the "Yellow Fever". :)


While not blue or grey one nurgle scheme i like is

Base mephiston red

Layer with nurgling green

Drybrush ryza rust

Any pictures for that? It sounds interesting.

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Disease can turn people all kinds of funny colours, so treally there's not much keeping you from experimenting with different schemes.

I remember playing as the Chaos Plague Champion in Dawn of War 2 with a Traitor Imperial Fist colour scheme, I used to call him "Icterus the Jaundiced" and his army the "Yellow Fever". :)



While not blue or grey one nurgle scheme i like is

Base mephiston red

Layer with nurgling green

Drybrush ryza rust

Any pictures for that? It sounds interesting.

Il try and take a picture of one of my plague marines later

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I'm trying to go for a pale ethereal blue colour for my Nurgle army, The amount of test models I have done for till I got the desired effect was a alot (luckily I have heaps of old unpainted space marines I never got around to painting) I used some of the Secret weapon weathering pigments they are quite good for the effect I needed.

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Thanks for the quick replies !! 


As i said, i'm staying away from the white/green/brown schemes/ 


I'd like to see some Nurgle marines done using purples and flesh tones. Like heavily bruised flesh.


I thought about it, might do some test models.



I'm trying to go for a pale ethereal blue colour for my Nurgle army, The amount of test models I have done for till I got the desired effect was a alot (luckily I have heaps of old unpainted space marines I never got around to painting) I used some of the Secret weapon weathering pigments they are quite good for the effect I needed.


Very interesting, do you have a pic or two to show how it came out ? 

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Thanks for the quick replies !! 


As i said, i'm staying away from the white/green/brown schemes/ 


I'd like to see some Nurgle marines done using purples and flesh tones. Like heavily bruised flesh.


I thought about it, might do some test models.


If so, could go for a base of Rakarth Flesh, wash with Druchii Violet and then highlight up matches with Pallid Wych Flesh to taste or preference. I tend to use that for most flesh - and could work well on armour. Unsure about bits of trim, naturally.

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I did my Plaguebearers purple, the idea was to go for the heavily bruised flesh look.



My Plague Marines are supposed to be Word Bearers KIA who have been reanimated, so they look a bit different to the average PM.



If I did a nurgle army, I think I would go for grey or some lighter base shade, since then it's so much easier to do rust and blood and slime and dirt. As you can see from above, doing rust on red models is pretty tricky.

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I did my Plaguebearers purple, the idea was to go for the heavily bruised flesh look.



My Plague Marines are supposed to be Word Bearers KIA who have been reanimated, so they look a bit different to the average PM.



If I did a nurgle army, I think I would go for grey or some lighter base shade, since then it's so much easier to do rust and blood and slime and dirt. As you can see from above, doing rust on red models is pretty tricky.


Wow those Plaguebearers are awesome !!!! Do you mind sharing how you did them ? 

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I did my Plaguebearers purple, the idea was to go for the heavily bruised flesh look.


My Plague Marines are supposed to be Word Bearers KIA who have been reanimated, so they look a bit different to the average PM.


If I did a nurgle army, I think I would go for grey or some lighter base shade, since then it's so much easier to do rust and blood and slime and dirt. As you can see from above, doing rust on red models is pretty tricky.

Wow those Plaguebearers are awesome !!!! Do you mind sharing how you did them ?

I replied like this in the thread, which is good because I had kinda forgotten exactly how I went about painting them. smile.png

"I think I used Hormagaunt Purple on a white undercoat, then just drybrushing with terminatus stone, followed by a mix of red and blue wash (I didn't use a purple wash because the tone of the GW purple is a bit to saturated, I wanted a paler kind of blue.) It was really simple, when I started painting them I just kinda wanted to get them done, but as I continued I really came to enjoy the models. http://www.warseer.com/forums/warseer/images/smilies/smile.png

After that it was details details details. The pustules are made by a base of tausept ochre, with a highlight of sunburst yellow, then given a wash of Lamenters Yellow. Most of the other details are just red ink. The old "red ink", that was really shiney. I think the new technical blood effects paint will produce the same result. There are some green intestines here and there, those were made from astronomicon grey with a mix of athonian camoshade and biel-tan green wash over them."

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Thought I'd add my 2 cents, I've been absent from the hobby for the best part of a decade and whilst on my return have decided to nail my colours to Slaanesh, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth I had a grey based nurgle army. 
It was similar to  totgeboren's  suggestion starting with a codex grey basecoat followed by lots of washes, medium grey highlights and plenty of rust/tarnishing on the metal trim. It's always good to have some bruised flesh on show too to use as a spot colour. My tip would be don't wash too heavily otherwise you just end up with an unappealing (not in a good way) mess.

I don't have pictures to hand at the moment but I'm sure I can dig them out and get some photos if you're interested?

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Thought I'd add my 2 cents, I've been absent from the hobby for the best part of a decade and whilst on my return have decided to nail my colours to Slaanesh, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth I had a grey based nurgle army. 

It was similar to  totgeboren's  suggestion starting with a codex grey basecoat followed by lots of washes, medium grey highlights and plenty of rust/tarnishing on the metal trim. It's always good to have some bruised flesh on show too to use as a spot colour. My tip would be don't wash too heavily otherwise you just end up with an unappealing (not in a good way) mess.

I don't have pictures to hand at the moment but I'm sure I can dig them out and get some photos if you're interested?


Sure ! Please post some pics :) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alternate colour scheme for Nurgle armies? I have a few suggestions.


One warband scheme which is one I went for with my little Nurgle detachment was the "The Cleaved",


As Far as I've read the colour scheme is tricky to make as GW never released a tutorial on how to paint them, Especially their pale flesh like armour. The best set of instructions to paint these guys I find is though this link: http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?166118-Painting-quot-The-Cleaved-quot   However this post is old and as such is referring to the previous Citadel paint range when describing what paint they did use.


Another scheme idea that I have not seen often on Chaos Marines is using a shade of brown or a bilious yellow as the primary armour colour. While as you said Nurgle do make use of browns, I have rarely seen a chaos marine miniature use brown as it's primary colour (or loyalist for that matter). 

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