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How to equip a nurgle terminator lord?

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It's called Typhus.


But if you really want to save the points probably just give him a burning brand of skalathrax. If he is deep striking in that is all he is good for. If he is in a landraider probably powerfist + lightning claw.


As much as people whine about him, Typhus is really quite good. He is even a little bit better in 7th now that monstrous creatures only get 1 smash attack. 230 points get you a Chaos lord of nurgle in terminator armor, with a FORCE daemon weapon, 2 mastery levels (weapon virus can be really great, or you could simply add those mastery levels to your other psykers rolls), Feel No Pain, Destroyer Hive which can be great against horde armies, and a 4th WOUND.


Seriously that guys points seem right when you add all that up. The main thing is do not send him marching to his doom or he will be focused. I do not deep strike him because mishaps may cost you the game. He needs a vehicle and support.

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Terminator lords in general are kind of meh for what support they require and what you get for the investment. Upshot is that it's the only way for us to get 2+ saves without a super lucky rewards roll, but downside is that he requires a LR to actually get anywhere, and a 5++ is a pretty bad save for a combat HQ.


I'm with bozo here, Typhus is the clear choice here, a force daemon weapon, and 4 wounds, and FnP, and converting Cultists into Fearless FnP zombies is a big deal.


If you really don't want a named character, I'd just say give him a chainfist and call it good. Keeps him cheap, and allows him to threaten ID on most enemy characters while requiring S10 to be ID'd himself, plus he can carve up walkers with S8+2D6. Just remember to take him some buddies, I would recommend power armor instead of more Termies as you can fit more ablative wounds worth of Plague Marines in a LR along with him than you could with Termies.

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Yeah Typhus with 7 plague marines is not afraid to go toe to toe with anything except walkers. For this reason I sometimes put Typhus with 3 obliterators. That unit can threaten anything on the board, and if you stick them in a ruin and give them shrouded or invisibility they will survive all game. I love seeing the opponents face when I do that. "Hmm... if I charge them I die, if I shoot at them nothing happens, if I cast spells at them Typhus will deny..."


I tend to stick them in a bastion with void shield and escape hatch for a turn 1 18" move then gift of contagion and multimeltas.

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