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Word Bearers Dark Apostles proxy on the table.


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     Hello folks, I have a question for my fellow Word Bearers today. Dark apostles, great fluff but lackluster crunch. Do any people out there proxy a different HQ choice as their dark apostle?

     I myself like to use sorcerers, sometimes Biomancy to represent the chaos gods investing power into a member of the faith. Other times I roll with daemonology to get some of the dark powers minions on the field.

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Sorcerer seems like the option that makes the most sense, even though the Word Bearers hate sorcerers you can just say he's using powers granted to him by the Gods. You could also use a lord and just say your dark apostle is more combat skills oriented. 


As for my word bearers force, it's lead by a corypheous which is basically a chaos lord, so no need to proxy. My reasoning is the dark apostle is just off the battlefield busy with dark rituals. 

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"Hate" is a bit of a strong term. As I remember it, they regard Sorcerers as sort of 'cheating' the denizen of the Warp.

Gaining the powers of the warp should be done in accordance with the teachings of Lorgar, not just syphoning it willy-nilly.


However, since our Dark Apostles are basically copy-paste Chaplains, they don't have any powers of the warp to begin with, so a Sorcerer works just as well if not better to represent them.


However, then you have a Dark Apostle who is not a Zealot, which is rather odd. But that's what we have to work with.

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Glad to hear lots of people feel the same way. It's really to bad the the dark apostles are so limited on there upgrades. Would love to have one running in a LR with some termies.

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Dark Apostle and Warpsmith should just be turned into Upgrades you can purchase for your Chaos Lord imho. 

Makes no sense an Apostle can't wear Termi armour or a Smith can't ride a bike. Also 2 Wound HQ suck in general. I never feel save when I field them. 

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I would use both much more regularly if they had bike,jump pack,termi armour options... Never understood why the dark apostle at least didn't have all 3. There is the argument that the warpsmith doesn't need termi armour, and has too many tentacles for a jumppack, but come on...a bike?
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