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Glory to the Dark Gods!


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I had a battle last weekend against some Iron Hands loyalist, the result were unimportant,(meaning I lost) but one moment was simply glorious.


I had a stock off the lot Chaos Rhino that was down to one hull point and had its combi-bolter destroyed, when I saw an opportunity. My opponent had left a pesky combat squad split up tactical squad at the end of a dead mans ally covering an objective near the board edge.


Well when in doubt, charge, and that is what I did with my used rhino, I tank shocked him. He opted to use a krak grenade to death or glory and rolled a 3 on his armor penetration. Than I ended up covering some of his models with my hoopty rhino forcing him two move his models, 2 of which could not be placed into coherency with the unit and were removed from the table. Squish. He than failed his morale check and ran off the table.


My battered Chaos Rhino made its points back. Even though I lost the game that moment of glory was awesome. What are some of the memorable moments you have had on the fields of glory?

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Ulfknacker - relatively low points game against Spacewolves. Game is all but lost, all I've got left is a Rhino and the Wolves are sauntering off the field. Tank shock out of spite. Arjack Rockfist himself decides to Death or Glory and flubs the penetration roll. Took the Rhino home and glued a space marine arm stuck in the tracks.


Ultor de Adrogantia - Grey Knights giving me hassle, casually took out a squad of Chosen, a Daemon Prince, and a Bastion. Frustrated, the Chosen's transport charges through a squad of Grey Knights PA who failed their Leadership and ran, then flattened the Assassin who attempted DoG.


Obstinatus - Another Rhino, another game vs GK. The squad was dead, but the Paladins were going for total destruction. The Rhino shrugged off two rounds of Thunderhammer hits before giving in, giving the HQ and retinue time to kill some more GK before the Paladins caught up to them.


Serenity - Longwise deployment against assassin firing turbo penetrators as it trundled up the field. Shot after shot failed to stop its advance, ending with the successful deployment of a Terminator squad that really, REALLY didn't want to walk.


Damnatio Memoriae - Vindicator, given grief by an Inquisitor and henchman retinue who were holed up in a cathedral making everyone's lives miserable. Took several hits without slowing, poked its stubby barrel through a window, and blasted the Inquisitor to ashes and sent his few remaining Henchmen running off the table.


Khârn, Hunter of Giants, Slayer of Everything -Playing against Knight with my CSM for the first time, using Land Raider Rush with Chosen. Knight ran forward in first turn, coming after my LR, saving Khârn the effort. Chosen and Khârn deploy, Khârn lowers head and jumps straight through the Knight's chest and comes out the back holding the pilot's skull.

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My Juggerlord was surrounded by enemy predator annihilators in front and his retinue of spawn behind him. My opponent decided to tank shock the Juggerlord, who made a death or glory attack. With a savage grin, he chucked a melta bomb onto the oncoming tank and laughed as it exploded in his face, dealing no damage whatsoever.

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A new trophy,

And a new pet:


In battle against a friend's SM. My Sorcerer was attached to a unit of 5 Chosen and their Rhino. My friend's Sternguard fire on the unit (which was disembarked) and manage to kill all but the Sorcerer. He pulls out his bolt pistol and gets a kill. The Sterguard fall a charge through difficult terrain, one of my spawn get killed thus freeing up the model. Sorcerer uses his power (this was an older edition) and turns an SM I not the spawn. Spawn and Sorcerer destroy Stdrngaurd in close combat.


When I got home I dug though my bits box and found a SM trophy helmet with a bullet hole through the forehead, and a few assorted SM bits. I painted them in my friend's color scheme and added the trophy to the Sorcerer's backpack like a banner and the rest of the SM bits went onto the spawn. I also purchased a spawn to accompany my Sorcerer (they were a wargear option back then).

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Typhus and 7 Plague Marines murdered a riptide then foot slogged across the board for 2 turns to do battle with a full squad of fire warriors holding the enemy objective on emperors will mission. They didn't take a casualty until overwatch for their charge. 76 heavily marker lighted fire warrior shots to the face that unit took and only 1 PM went down. Made the charge, then every fire warrior died to destroyer hive including all of my own PM.

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We were playing Big Guns Never Tire in 6th ed. My Ork opponent was playing a mek-heavy list with 3 looted trucks. I was playing an MSU Chosen army with Abaddon. By the end, my opponent had only vehicles and I had a handful of survivors. One of them was a Chosen Aspiring Champion who proceeded to spend the last 3 games of the turn blowing up tank after tank, earning me the victory.

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My Sorceror Robersium wrecked several units against my brothers Necrons during a battle in our campaign. Using only the Pyromancy discipline (as part of his fluff), he used his ethereal flames to down several Warriors and Immortals, beat the Overlord in combat followed by whomping the Canoptek Spyder, also in combat. What made it sweeter was he and a handful of Siege Makers were part of an allied detachment to my Nihilist Traitor Guard main force. It was a good day. 

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