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A question about the Grey Death warband

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Just wanted to clarify something. In the current chaos dex in the abyssal crusade section it details how half of the iron drakes "bulged screaming out of their armour to become fungus trees themselves".


Now does this mean that those marines are now static rooted fungus trees like any other normal tree would be OR does this mean that those marines are pretty much walking mushroom plants that are still operational like any other plague marine would be?



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I always interpreted that as turned into trees, doomed to an existence unmoving and eternally screaming.


But mushroom-obliterators, from those of the drakes that embraced Nurgle even as the spores took hold would be an awesome conversion, and would actually explain the slow&purposeful. So if that is what you want to do go ahead!

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The Grey Death was a mercenary regiment led by Colonel Grayson Carlyle. They were known for finding the Helm Memory Core which brought a lot of lost Star League technology back to the Inner Sphere.


oh, wait... wrong game...




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