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back into 40k after 11 years!

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Wow. A lot has changed!


Hello everybody


I got out when I was a broke college student and struggling musician back in 2004ish. I think 4th edition had just come out and when I could not afford to catch up with new books etc I just dropped out... Didn't help that my main gaming group disintegrated for other reasons as well...


Well let's see. I had about three thousand points of black templars and a little over a thousand points of imperial guard, not sure what they are worth now, just starting to read the new codex...


Inherited my brothers blood angels at around 2000 points, and a spattering of eldar and chaos cultists...


Also have about 3k and 4k of brettonian and orcs for whfb, got out of that in 04 also...


Anyways. Will post more later. See y'all around.

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Welcome back to the hobby, brother. Indeed a lot has changed in the three editions that you have been absent. Rules have been added and taken away, various add-on detachments and units have made an appearance and, most recently, the whole 'battle-forged' and 'unbound' schtick is the name of the game now. Suffice to say 7th ed is a different beast to 4th ed (but not unrecognisably so).


Feel free to ask any questions you may have and don't forget to check the rules for posting, eh? ;)

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Tell me about it. I never even got around to buying any 4th edition books... Still have a stack of third edition stiff tho.


Picked up the brb and sm codex, a shame what they did to black templars and salamanders... I feel bad for any sal players who have way to many flamer marines and can't put two per squad anymore, but MasterCrafted Melta weapons with their chapter Master is awesome!


I'm going to have to photo my templars and start up a plog as I bring them to where I want them.

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