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could this theme work for a khorne army

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Hey guys so i have a question regarding the current fluff for khorne and this theme i have in mind

Basically a Chapter who went renegade who believe in honour and martial prowess and increasing their martial skill above all else. Basically blood dragons from fantasy in 40k minus the vampiric parts

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It can be done, i mean in the CSM and other fluff there is a huge amount of Chapters that hav gone renegade for less then that.


Also look at Crimson Slaugthers, they are a good example that a Sm Chapter can fall in Damnation.


There is in the CSM book a fluff bit where a whole Chapter felt to Khorne when the Chapter Master was splattered with the Blood of a Khorne Priest on a Deamon World.

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SO i suppose you will playing CSM and not Deamonkin.


A way to go around the Psyker in a Khorne Themed army is either the Psyker be enslaved by the others, with an explosif collar around his neck if he doesn't obey them or try to rebel, since thats how Khorne Marines warbands treat Psykers.


Or make it a "Skull priest", a Character specialised in Alchemy and drugs, that uses weird archeotechs and Prayers to Khorne to get his favors, it would be an Unmarked Sorceror lvl2 with Biomancy and malefic or Pyro powers.


When i tried that to buff a bit my WE army i used and old metal Fabius bill model, replaced the head with a FW zerker Champ head.



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