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Vanguard Grav Gunslingers


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What do people think about these?


I imagine the points cost is horrific, but a small squad of Grav Glunsliger vets could potentially cause a lot of damage with a precision deep strike from Dante or the like.


Could even mix in some Shields to tank the low AP that will inevitably come their way.


Maybe it's just the flavor that is attracting me to this but I really think it could be a cool idea!


Maybe save the price of packs and just get a pod?


In support of this though, Grav pistols are pretty sparce in kits, can anyone suggest any good alternatives or conversions for them?

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Maxmini do these:

Kromlech and Spellcrow have not-grav guns that are very close in design to the official product, but no pistols; maybe they'll do some in the fullness of time.

Do you have either the new(ish) SM tactical kit or the BA one? One of the bits for the build-your-own combi weapon was grav iirc, you could always try cutting that bit and a bolt pistol up to see what you get.

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Grav just works better on bikers and there are better loadouts for VV IMHO. You can kit them out with a mix of Thunderhammers and Stormshields for a unit of flying Hammernators which are more survivable and threaten a wider range of foes.

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If you are in the us pm me. I have a few in my bits box, and don't mind mailing them.

Oh, and on the RG subforum they had a running bit on gunslinging vets. Some people did very well with plasma van vets.

Got a link or a thread name, I couldn't find it!


Really though this would be a passion project more than anything. See how they'd do? I like the idea of plasma pistols too, even with instant death... Maybe attach a Divination Librarian or something haha

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As for me, this has been on my to-do list since the Codex landed. I find the concept (plasma/grav & bolt) glorious, especially if we have a Librarian attached who can manifest Wings of Sanguinius.

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Yeah okay, after reading that Ravenguard thread this might just have to happen!


Also had no idea you could use grenades and melta bombs against monstrous creatures in assault. That's pretty awesome!


Quite like the idea of having a couple of guys with twin bolt hold the shields while the plasma won't need them. Plus have you ever seen a dude with two plasma pistols? Looks bad-ass.

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