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Blood angels vs orks


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I'm playing against orks a week on Saturday and thus far this is my list



lvL 2

Jump pack

grav pistol


Tac squad

8 men


plasma pistol


Scout squad

10 men

came cloaks

4 snipers

missile launcher

plasma pistol



Vanguard vets

thunder hammer plus storm shield ×2

2 pairs of lightning claws

relic blade

power axe

jump packs





Hurricane bolters

extra armour

locator beacon


VV WITH librarian in stormraven


The reason for the weird war gear is that at my local GW everything has to be WYSIWYG

PLZ help me


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Well, on the bro got side if worshipers can drop a job or two before close combat happens young u should have a manageable game. But, when you can I would trim some of the upgrades down. Generally plasma pistols are garbage, and vanguard squads get way too expensive with pairs of lightning claws and multiple thunderhammer or powerfists.
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What do you have to work with?  Sounds like you are model constrained.  Agree with shandwen, the pistols you have there add up - but if you're stuck with those minis, so bit it.


Consider making the VanVets in to a command squad for the free priest/apoth.  Try to get the tactical squad a ride (either rhino or pod) and bump it up to 10 man to combat squad.  Heavy flamer or other heavy weapon would be great.  That scout squad is fairly pricey too - a lot of additions.  Storm raven is sucking up a LOT of points here, but it can do a good number on armies unprepared for a solid flyer.  Consider putting the close combat scouts (assuming combat squading) in there for late game scoring.  If it gets shot down, they're toast but it can be a worthwhile gamble depending on the game/opponent.


Good luck!


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Flamers, bikes and/or death co. - hit em with templates, high T, and/or loads of attacks.


You DEFINITELY don't need all the bling on the VanVets, especially against Orks, but I assume you're modeling for a take all comers but want to optimize your list here vs Orks?

As mentioned, go flamer/heavy flamer on 10x tacticals in a rhino, that'll be a decent unit to be running around with.

Do you have to run the storm raven?  Although Orks don't have a lot to deal with it, it's not throwing out that many attacks - if you do stick with it, the hurricane bolters are a must.

For the vets, do they have to be VanVets or just some elite jump unit?  There was another thread here (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304637-command-squads/) regarding command squads, and I agree with Deschenus Maximus here that 3x melta, 3x storm shield, jump packs is a good route.  If death co, keep it light - like 1x axe, and/or 1x fist.

Alternatively, you can roll with a bike squad, including an attack bike, even a good 'ol heavy bolter.  The T5 will be a tough nut for orks and these guys can dish out some good bolter wounds on the way in.  If you do go bikes, considering throwing your HQ on a bike as well.


Options and thoughts - hopefully something there helps!


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Dont do it... assault cannon and heavy bolters are much better. You will get 1 shot off with your baal then it'll die with flamers. With the ac loadout you get 10 shots a turn, should be about 8 hits and 4-5 dead orks per turn. Over a 6 turn game thats a 30ork mob dead. Flamers will get you 9 or 10 on one turn but then you die.
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Hello, Emprah2508!


I would strongly suggest NOT building the good old (used to be reliable) triple-flamer Baal Predator unless you plan to magnetise it.

This configuration used to make wonders and I loved my Baals A LOT. T2 they entered the game in my opponent's backyard and roasted something juicy. The problem is Baal Predator lost Scout USR in the current edition. As a result you are not able to molest units hiding in the backfield any more. And that was the strenght of this configuration.

In order to use the flamers you must get very close to the opponent and AV10 rear armour means It is fairly easy to glance this beauty to a smoking pile of trash.

I think It is more or less consensus view that the optimal loadout for a Baal Predator is TL Assaultcannon + Heavy Bolters sponsons. Fair damage output against not only GEQ & MEQ but also TEQ and relatively squishy tanks and a threat to fliers. (4 TL rending S6 shots looks terrifying enough to make your opponent decide to jink. Remember that the decision is made BEFORE the to-hit dice roll!)

And remember you can field 2 Whirlwinds at the cost of one single Baal Predator!


Captain Obvious


Ninjas, ninjas everywhere!

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So I have 70 pounds and at my local store that means I can get a stormraven and an army painter pure red spray those two are definants as I don't have a stormraven yet and everybody says they are great and I need a new spray I have enough left Over to buy a vanguard vet squad or a librarian dread which is the better choice I only have a death company dread but I really like the new models for the VV
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If you already have a Dread to ride beneath the StormRaven then I would say try some VV. Ultimately it depends exactly what army you are planning to build.


Hammer/Shield VV should do a nice job at tackling MegaNobz and vehicles.

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this is a lascannon marine a mate gave me I converted into a heavy flamer no greenstuff and before you judge and say it's awful I'm only 14 and I'm not the greatest converter in the world


Why would we say it's awful? You do realise you're on the Bolter and Chainsword's BA forum, right?


Personally, I think it's an excellent conversion and I would have loved to be able to do that at your age.

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New list



inferno pistol

relic blade

Artificer armour

veritas vitae




Tactical squad

10 men


heavy flamer

Vet serg


Scout squad

5 men


sergeant has shotgun

camo cloaks

Vet serg



Vanguard vets

power axe

relic blade

2 pairs of lightning claws

Thunder hammer storm shield









Devastator squad

4 missile launchers


What do you think?

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this is a lascannon marine a mate gave me I converted into a heavy flamer no greenstuff and before you judge and say it's awful I'm only 14 and I'm not the greatest converter in the world

I think it looks fine, it is clearly a heavy flamer so you have fulfilled the first requirement of any conversion. thumbsup.gif

To get to the level of modelling shown by some people on this board takes years of practice. Trust me, I speak from experience when I say that most of us who have learned to convert our own models would be pretty pleased if our first attempts had turned out as well as that.

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Definitely solid work there on the conversion! I'd suggest maybe trying to smooth out few of the places on the plastic where you've cut it. That said, I'd be pretty happy with it as it for my first couple of conversions. Most of my early conversions don't even see the light of day...


I'd suggest dropping the relic blade on the Captain, and giving him Valour's Edge. You lose out on the extra strength, admittedly, but between the axe, the thunderhammer, and the relic blade in the Vanguard Veterans, and Furious Charge, wounding oughtn't be too much of an issue. Having the At-Initiative AP2 could be extremely useful, though, in case of Meganobs and the like.

Other than that, the Veterans have a lot of upgrades, and I prefer having fewer for the amount of bodies you have, but that's personal preference. Maybe if you have some spare points, giving some Vets meltabombs? I do so like meltabombs.

Scouts and Tacs look fine, although Tactical Squads are always better with a transport. Maybe something to look into in future is a rhino?

Solid choice of weapons for the Devastators, IMO. Can't go wrong with missile launchers. They're just so flexible.

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this is a lascannon marine a mate gave me I converted into a heavy flamer no greenstuff and before you judge and say it's awful I'm only 14 and I'm not the greatest converter in the world

I think it looks fine, it is clearly a heavy flamer so you have fulfilled the first requirement of any conversion. thumbsup.gif

To get to the level of modelling shown by some people on this board takes years of practice. Trust me, I speak from experience when I say that most of us who have learned to convert our own models would be pretty pleased if our first attempts had turned out as well as that.

Cheers mate

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Definitely solid work there on the conversion! I'd suggest maybe trying to smooth out few of the places on the plastic where you've cut it. That said, I'd be pretty happy with it as it for my first couple of conversions. Most of my early conversions don't even see the light of day...


I'd suggest dropping the relic blade on the Captain, and giving him Valour's Edge. You lose out on the extra strength, admittedly, but between the axe, the thunderhammer, and the relic blade in the Vanguard Veterans, and Furious Charge, wounding oughtn't be too much of an issue. Having the At-Initiative AP2 could be extremely useful, though, in case of Meganobs and the like.

Other than that, the Veterans have a lot of upgrades, and I prefer having fewer for the amount of bodies you have, but that's personal preference. Maybe if you have some spare points, giving some Vets meltabombs? I do so like meltabombs.

Scouts and Tacs look fine, although Tactical Squads are always better with a transport. Maybe something to look into in future is a rhino?

Solid choice of weapons for the Devastators, IMO. Can't go wrong with missile launchers. They're just so flexible.

I debated Valour's Edge but I don't need the ap2 against my opponents orks he doesn't have any 2+ saves in his collection

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