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Help with noob list


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Hello everyone


I drafted this short army list with all the models I have painted or soon painted.

I have used a combined arms detachment as I could not fit the units into another formation that could make sense.

The total points value up til now is 1510 points.


This is my first ever list, and have only played a small 40k demo up til now; so all comments are welcome:




Unlimited Pts - Codex: Blood Angels Roster
: Combined Arms Detachment (49#, 1510 pts)
   1 Librarian in Terminator Armour, + Gallian's Staff + Mastery Level 2  + Fury of Baal
   9 Tactical Squad, + Flamer  + Heavy Flamer 
      1 Veteran Sergeant, + Power Sword + Hand Flamer 
  9 Tactical Squad, + Flamer  + Heavy Flamer 
      1 Veteran Sergeant, + Power Sword + Hand Flamer 
   4 Tactical Squad,  + Missile Launcher 
      1 Sergeant, 14 pts
   3 Death Company Squad, +
      1 Death Company Marine, + Thunder Hammer
      1 Death Company Marine, + Power Fist
   4 Terminator Assault Squad with claws +
      1 Terminator Sergeant, + Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield 
   1 Stormraven Gunship, + Hurricane Bolter 
   9 Assault Squad,  + Hand Flamer + Meltagun
      1 Sergeant, 
   1 Baal Predator,
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Welcome to Bolter and Chainsword!


First off, can you remove the individual pointage on that list please? Only it's against the B&C rules as it violates GW's IP. I'd also like to recommend the BA Army List sub forum that can be found here.


Now with that out of the way, you've got the start of a nice little collection there. Which direction would you like to take it? I think the Tacticals would certainly benefit from some transport as a next purchase. Have you decided on a paint scheme yet?

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Sorry for that extra details in the list - it's my fault for copying and pasting from Army Builder.

I'll edit the list to remove the garbage.


As regards to paint scheme, it's blood angel colours.

I think it's: mephiston red, agrax earthshade,  wild rider red, fire dragon - I need to confirm this as I'm not at home at the moment

I'm not happy with the current result though.

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I'd second on the transports for the Tactical Squads, and I'd go a step further and say either max out the third Tactical Squad or go for the Codex: Blood Angels Baal Strike Force Detachment and leave the last Tac Squad behind.  With so many close combat units, you're going to want every advantage you can get in CC.


On another point, what was your plan with the Terminators?  Deep Strike?  I am a huge proponent of Assault Transports for my Terminators.

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I have a second box of terminators coming in to max their number to 10.

Yes, I was planning deep strike for them.


I also have a dread which is still unassembled plus another box of death company on order.

So CC will be the main focus.

Probably opt for the Baal force as you suggested.

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As suggested above, do consider adding a couple of transports, rhinos or drop pods.

As for your current list, I would add 7 more DC models and equip them all with jump packs.

For the current 1500 pts list, I would ditch fury of Baal from the Librarian and add a veteran sergeant to the assault squad with a power weapon.

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