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How to "Nurgle up" some Black Legion?

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I wanted to paint some Black Legion dedicated to Nurgle but am stumped on the colors to use. Should I just paint them as regular Black Legion with light drybrushes of rotten flesh on the armour? Or  would dirty washes look better? I'm drilling out small corroded patches so rust will probably go there but past that point i haven't a clue! Any suggestions guys??

I'd definitely stick with the regular black legion colors. It's always nice to see squads that are dedicated to a chaos god that aren't automatically painted in Death Guard/World Eaters/Emperor's Children/Thousand Sons colors.  Definitely adds a bit of flavor. As far as what to do with them, I'd recommend getting a roll of green stuff. Cheap, you can easily sculpt a pot belly or a couple of boils/maggots to throw on there. Taking a hobby knife and chipping away at the edges of the plates always adds a nice disheveled effect to the armor. Really, with Nurgle marines, so long as they look worn, torn, and gross you're in the clear :D Also, I've seen some pretty cool stuff done with the Nurgle's Rot effect paint. If you like the gross, slimy effect it may be right up your alley.




You could just paint them basic Black Legion colours and as you practise painting or do some test minis, slowly corrupt them from the base and legs using rust and mud etc.  Adding verdigris (the green patina you get on brass etc) to any brass, rust to any joints or metallic surfaces and mud or ooze to the lower leg area and base.


This would keep them Black Legion, but give you a feeling of minor corruption.  If you wanted to continue the theme for more Nurgle goodness, and we know Papa Nurgle will love you for it, then as your confidence grows, create convert the next mini or squad more with pot bellies and biles of puss etc with added Nurgle colouring.

In one of the old codex they had black legion which were dedicated to the four chaos gods. They were painted normal black legion colours but then the inside in the shoulder pads painted to suit which god they followed, so in your case paint the inner part of the pad green. They may have also painted the helmet green as well, not entirely sure. Could be another option.

Use liquid green stuff to texture some armour, verdigris on the gold/brass as already recommended.

I did something similar last year where I wanted dedicated squads, but wanted to keep them within the overall scheme. This was without any liquid gs and because I have metal trim I could just use brown & sepia washes to simulate corrosion. The armour looks grubbier in person too. Weapon casings were also used to signify allegiance.



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