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Extra Armour for Rhino

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Anyone knows where i can conversion parts for space marine rhinos? Im looking for extra armor, I've looked at forgeworld but so out of my price range. I've also looked at chapter house but not exactly what I'm looking for. Anyone have tutorials on making extra armor in green stuff?

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I use plasticard to convert my armour plate for my Iron Warriors & Space Wolves Rhinos.  I use the side part of the Rhino as a template & then straighten the line with standard metal ruler, cut out with scalpel using the metal ruler & engine square.


Just check out my Iron Warriors army log (link on my sig) where I should have a few WIP photos.  Should be recent photos taken of a Predator I'd converted up with the armour plate.

If you buy some plastic card and a steel ruler (plus a pencil and a modelling knife, but I assume you have those already), you have all you really need to make your own. Since the sides of a Rhino are fairly simple, extra armour for it is a pretty good subject for a first foray into scratchbuilding things from plastic.

I'd agree that it's easiest to make from plastic card - a thicker type is probably best.  You can dress up the rim with thin strips of plasticard, and if you really want to fancy it up, pick up some plastic rivets at a railroad hobby store (Grandt Line is one manufacturer).  Drill a small hole where you want the rivet, pull the rivet through with tweezers until it is fluch, and apply a drop of cement on the inside.

The Air Defence Command Platform from Forge World would do - it's about half the cost of buying the Damocles kit itself.


But you might also want to consider this ($10+shipping):


twopounder.... I was going to dig my PZ IV out and use it as an example haha.


Ulfgrim... The evergreen hex rod is what I use, but I don't know if you can really tell the "hex" shape...its pretty fine because the rods are so tiny. unless you get a larger size I suppose.


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