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Prot's Various Finished Marines: You decide..(LOTS of Pics)


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Hey folks,

Me and some friends had a game the other night and I disagreed with what some thought I painted best. I think it's somewhat obvious, but instead of saying what I think, I thought it would be cool to post a few finished models here.

These are just some samples rather than flood the thread with a bunch of junk. But the question is simple opinion really... which of these armies do you think I paint best?

Although I have posted these pics across the various subsections, I don't believe I've ever posted them here:

Let's start with Crimson Slaughter:





Now Dark Angels:






To Be continued.... (reaching picture limit in post.)

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Now Ultramarines...





And now... my Grey Knights:





That should be a good enough sample!

This has all been done in the last... 18 months. Most of it well under a year.

I have my gut feeling on this, but I wanted to grab a wide selection of each army without showing just 'better pieces'. There are many more pictures, but I didn't want to flood the thread.... I felt this was a fair sampling.

I guess I'm asking for a "winner" overall, and not just a favorite picture. That's why I've included some... lesser quality models to show the true feel of the army.

So what would you guys say?


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Wow. An early lead for the Dark Angels? 


Aside from the characters, I still put a lot of time into those guys, but rarely do they get a lot of attention! 


I'm in a bit of a Grey Knight 'phase' right now so maybe that's why I lean that way a touch, but I don't want to tip my hand yet. ;) 


Thanks very much for the comments guys!

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Don't believe I'm saying this but your bloody Dress wearers are the best overall IMO. Your power weapons are amazing on your Grey Knights but the details make your Dress Wearers, especially the edge high lighting on the PA. My only critique would be the the speeder. Against the rest of that army it just disappoints. Now, all that being said, you're a MUCH better painter then me so take anything here with a grain of salt. Or a bucket. LOL!!!

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Well I am genuinely surprised the dark angels have any sort of lead

As far as the speeder is concerned it looks the way it does because I really like it. So I am not really looking to change something I am quite satisfied with. This is strictly a what's your favorite ' kind of thing!


Thanks for looking.

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Thanks for the votes... regardless of bias!


Truly I am looking at this as an indication of GK or DA.... though still I am a tad surprised DA leads the vote. Thank you!

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The DA for me. Again Biased.  


What popped for the GK is the swords but very little else. The DA pop in nearly every shot (the power of the robes I guess). The Ultras don't seem to pop at all. I see the beautiful shading of the armor and that seems to be the big draw. I keep looking for a secondary color on them. The Chaos CS's would be my Number 2 choice as they do look great and have a lot of pop on that commander and that freehand skull is awesome as is the shading on the Chaos beastie. The Land Raider just seemed to be lacking that strong second color goodness that is on the rest. 

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In a numbered sequence this is what I see. Fair warning, I'm pretty blunt... not Firepower level (hey, he's brilliant, so he gets top lvl critique rights), but still blunt.


1. DA - lots of detail, color shading, careful highlights, blended colors, everything seems to pop... yet the models are lacking individual focal points. Stances/posing could help, or some carefully used grime and gore for battle effects.


However, they appear to have the most work done on them, so they get the top slot.


2 CSM - Highlights are great, and the metallics are amazing! No matter where the metal is, it catches the eyes, great focus area. Infantry look spot on, yet WAY too squeaky clean. There's no blood, no sign of stress or wear from the Warp,it's like looking at Smurfs from Ultramar on parade day. If any models should look like they just came out of hell and combat, its a CSM.


Another issue here, is that while the colors are solid... that's all they are. The highlights don't pull you, and there's little depth in color detail. Especially with vehicles (which look matte or flat red), or the mauler/slaughter beast (which looks..well... freshly waxed and shined).


Good overall, some definite attention put into play, but your skill suggests you can do better. I will say this... the one thing you did with your CSM, than any other group? Varied weapon color styles. The color effects are different by the blade.. your loyalist marines all have the same blade effect. Nearly every.single.one. Parade effect is great if that was the goal, but CSM gets a major point for that randomness.


3 (TIE) GK and Ultras - While you definitely made them look like they walked mostly off the box art, the models from both groups just seem... horribly bland.


I'm not getting any personal touches out of this, it just looks like simple (yet great quality) commission work for people that want to play and needed their armies painted good, but confined to the box art designs.


A bit of variety could go a long way here. My own paint skills are mediocre, but I have an eye for detail and can see where people are holding back a bit.

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Thank you very much for voting guys, but I think I have decided on Grey Knights for now....

Since Chaos and Ultramarines got very little votes, I removed them immediately. They were contenders, until I put the vote up and saw so little action on them! Which is cool... honesty can be cruel sometimes. I can appreciate that.

Ironically I was at the GW store today and the lighting was so much better than what I originally took my Grey Knight photos in, I whipped out my phone and took some quick shots. These are totally unedited and show lots of flaws, as well as being blown up a bit.


+++ Another massive shot, obviously this is going to show imperfections:


+++ Big HQ shot:


+++ Interceptors:

+++ Big Dreadknight shot:


I intend to go back and do some minor work here and there, but overall I'm really happy with how the first batches of dudesmen have turned out.

Thanks for looking.

I actually really enjoy the background of this army, and the painting is fun, while borrowing some techinques I used to use with my Iron Warriors. So plowing through these models was hard, but I felt really decent about how they show, BUT I admit I will be revisiting them for detail work later.

Thanks again for having a say. It certainly made the decision somewhat easier, by eliminating two of the front runners!

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Being an old Wolf at heart, i will never favour the dark angels. You know they only wear the robes to hide the tentacles right?

However, i digress. In this case, they are good, but a bit bright for me. I prefer a darker gothic feel to DA's.

All the armies are very well painted, however i also agree with some comments that the CSM's are to clean and intact and the Ultrasmurfs are very box-arty and shiny.

Personally, I vote for the GK's. Subtle yet clear colouring with nothing overly 'in your face', nice detailing & and outstanding power weapons. :)

However, you have painted them all well and to a pallet, style and quality that you like. As long as you like it, who gives a cultist's left tenticle about anyone else. :D

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Hehe... thanks. The tentacles under the robes are .... perhaps not tentacles??? I best leave it at that. :)


I have so much done of the Dark Angels, I've been moving along at a great pace with the Grey Knights. Now that the BnC ETL is firing up, maybe I'll get a bit of both done up?


What is odd to me is how few votes the Ultra's get. Honestly when someone sees them locally they get a lot of ooh and ahh, but the reference to shiny 'box artish' is interesting. But to me it matches them... Anyway, thanks for having a look!

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