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Best codex for...


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I'm thinking about playing again for the first time since 4th edition.  I haven't even picked up a book in 6 or so years, so I'm totally at a loss about current rules and armies.  Just before I quit, I had started collecting models for a bike army.  I'd like to complete that now, but with the codexes these days so outrageously expensive I don't want to purchase a bunch of them to figure out which one I want to use.  What I'm looking for is for someone to give me an idea of the advantages and disadvantages of each codex, in relation to bike armies.


My play style tends to involve a lot of boots and fewer vehicles.  I don't know at the moment if I want to do a pure bike army, or a biker heavy mixed army, so data on supporting units would be nice to have as well.


Thanks in advance, folks.

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I'd agree with d@n. AFAIK, the only real contenders are Codex Space Marines (either WS or IH) or Dark Angels. Dark Angels can get a land speeder variant, which I believe gives out stealth (shrouded?).


A surprisingly good source of advice is 4chan. If you don't mind internet humour and l33tsp34k, it can be pretty useful.




Hope this is of use.



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I think with SW you're better off taking Thunder Wolves.


IH get feel no pain (6) and that's pretty cool on T5 models. They also have the super beat stick Chapter Master on bike build if you're into all that.


A lot if people dislike DA, but they're workable. Still I think WS offer a better setup personally.

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Don't forget the Blood Rodeo (Codex: Blood Angels w/ bikes)!  It's not quite as easy to work as the White Scars/Iron Hands bike lists, but it boasts stronger assault prowess and has access to the BA specific units (Death Company, Baal Predators, etc.).


There are some good threads on this style of build in the Blood Angels Army Lists section!

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Bikes are pretty good when you shoot then assault with them :) With the White Scars Chapter Tactics, it's even better thanks to the Hit & Run special rule, where you shoot a unit and charge it during your turn, remain in combat for the enemy turn, then disengage thanks to hit and run and shoot then charge it again or something else. It's quite a strong relentless pounding ! Bikes in base contact also get Hammer of Wrath on the charge, meaning free S4 AP- hits for every model.


Dark Angels Ravenwing also have access to hit and run if I recall.


So while Bikes are not a purely dedicated assault unit, their assault capability is still pretty strong and becomes of true tactical interest when you get Hit and Run. T5 is also great for close combat against infantry when you get the charge, because of the lesser number of attacks the enemy will have and 5+ to be wounded by the toughest enemy base infantry with a 3+ save meaning you'll be quite survivable. Besides ina predominantly shooty meta, the ability to shelter yourself from low AP weapons by being in combat is priceless.


If you want a decent close combat bike squads, you could always go for a Command Squad on Bikes. It might get expensive, but you'll get FNP from the Apothecary and a few power weapons in there to buff up your assault.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm thinking about playing again for the first time since 4th edition.  I haven't even picked up a book in 6 or so years, so I'm totally at a loss about current rules and armies.  Just before I quit, I had started collecting models for a bike army.  I'd like to complete that now, but with the codexes these days so outrageously expensive I don't want to purchase a bunch of them to figure out which one I want to use.  What I'm looking for is for someone to give me an idea of the advantages and disadvantages of each codex, in relation to bike armies.


My play style tends to involve a lot of boots and fewer vehicles.  I don't know at the moment if I want to do a pure bike army, or a biker heavy mixed army, so data on supporting units would be nice to have as well.


Thanks in advance, folks.


There's only two real choices: Dark Angels or Codex: Space Marines. The latter is probably better just for bikes, and actually lets you play multiple different chapters, including two bike chapters: White Scars and Astral Claws.


A very cheap way to get a lot of infantry and bikes is Dark Vengeance models on eBay. However, they come with Dark Angel iconography sculpted directly on their shoulders, and the bikes feature Ravenwing winged banners and markings. You can still use these DA models with the C:SM codex though.

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