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help me with this nurgle theme

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Hey guys so a while back i started a nurgle army known as the plague wolves. Well ive decided it is time for them to be reborn under the name of the Plague Templars. Now my idea is they fluffwise atleast are half way between life and death not truly alive but not truly dead either. While they can be dustained by Plague and disease to be at their strongest like a vampire needs to feed on blood they need to feed on a living beings life force (think similar to how those cowardly xenos who hide in the webway feed on pain). Now my thinking is due to this weird statis they have achieved their psykers and anyone with latent psychic ability can use necromancy for example their chief appthecary (who will use Typhus model and rules). Now my thinking is they want to rid the galaxy of life and replace it with unlife. Does this fit in with canon lore guys or is it too fsr fetched
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i think it has potential, they could be infected by a unique plague that causes the strange effect that marines suffer from maybe, not sure if the name suits the style of the force, the templars part implies that they are more of religious or knightly which you could still incorporate into the background.

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Don't forget that Chaos loves to slap the Imperium in the face. Emperor's Children anyone?


That being said...it plausible to have something like a disease that keeps the marines going. After all it is what Nurgle does. Taking on a necrotic feel to it? Totally fluffly. While the whole bloat and guys aspect is always pleasing to those of the dark gods I've always wanted to do a marine army more necrotic in the sickly death then pasty flesh.

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Thanks guys my idea was they are basically Nurgle Knights lol. How they came about is they were one of the chapters sent on the abyssal crusade who landed on a plague world, and while fighting the death guard on the world the sorceror accompanying them attempted to turn the Plague Templars into plague marines. It worked to some extent but the chapter as one collapsed. When they collapsed they were visited by Nurgle himself who promised he could save them give them eternal life the usual stuff. They agreed to it having been shown the truth about the imperium unfortunately Tzeench saw what was going on and fearing that Nurgles strength may increase he attempted to stop the process from happening. Unfoftunately he ended up making them half way between life and death and gave them a need to feed on life force. Nurgle in turn tried to counteract this by enabling them to be sustained by Pestilence and Plague. While they can recruit once the aspiriant has accepted the geneseed they have to go through ghe same trial that they did
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